30 December 2007

1 week more ? :(

Hmm..skejap plak rase cuti kali ni..apsal eh? huhu..confuse seketika... apa pun, my next flight is confirm already..Jan 8 fly to Cairo, Egypt.. I just received my Visa to Egypt.. whew...dh nk masuk crew baru..mcm2 perasaan ada ni..haha..moga d permudahkan segala urusan ku nant.. insya allah.. i have to prepare myself to face the new guys in egypt which mostly are egyptian.. huk3..

erm..apa lg yg x buat eh utk cuti ni? alahai...kalau dulu rasa x saba nk masuk keje, ths time rasa sgt sabar plak nk kene masuk keje..hahahha..apa kess ni suraidah? ish3.. ntah laa..undescribed..maybe sbb tau dia nk move to his new job and its quite far from our home.. even b4 ni ok je, but ths time.. huih...insya allah, moga Allah terus satukan hati kami dan pjg kan jodoh kami hingga ke akhirnya... amien..

yeah! i have to be strong enuff to face all those thing...Go Su Go!! Think +ve!

28 December 2007


Ketika waktu mendatangkan cinta
Aku putuskan memilih dirimu
Setitik rasa itu menetes
Dan semakin parah

Bisa ku rasa getar jantungmu
Mencintaiku apa lagi aku
Jadikanlah diriku
Pilihan terakhir hatimu

Butterfly terbanglah tinggi
Setinggi anganku untuk meraihmu
Memeluk batinmu yang sama kacau
Karena merindu

Butterfly fly away so high
As high as hopes I pray
To come and reach for you
Rescuing your soul
The precious messed up thoughts of me and you

Jalan ini jauh
Namun kita tempuh
Bagai bumi ini
Hanya milik berdua

Biar ku berlebihan
Namun ku tunggu

19 December 2007


Alhamdulillah! Yeehaaaa.... Now evrythg is completed..I did it with flying colours!! Syukur..End Part 2 now.. Abes school dah..best2..alhamdulillah..syukur ya Allah, abes dh susah payah selama 5 minggu ni, dan hasilnya...Yeay!! itu lah dia, ada usaha, ada laa hasilnya.. for both part, I'm 2nd in the class...ngeh3..part 1, im 2nd out of 9 ppl.. beza 1% je ngan top of the class..I scored 91% for part 1.. for part 2, i'm 2nd out of 6 ppl...beza 0.5% je ngan top of the class..i scored 97.5% dan..yg paling best nye, hehehe, i'm the only girl in ths part 2 class!! wahahahaha...best wooo... alhamdulillah..syukur pd Allah, kerana memudahkn segala urusanku..

now..turn to Vacation mode already!~ yeehaaa....Kuala Lumpur, tunggu kepulanganku!!!!! hahahhaha...x saba nk tgu sabtu ni.. yeay!! hihihi

13 December 2007

a week to go..


huih..apsal eh? m counting the days.. wawawaaa... x suke perasaan ni...erm.. already 6 wks away from home..already 4wks done with the school.. yeah! one week to go.. huhu~ i think i know y m counting the days... nk mkn mcm2 masakan melayu mesia...waaaaaaaaaaa..... naseb laa seminggu lg nih....masih blh berthn...haha.. mari bayangkan mknn di sini... almost 3wks full aku bfast mkn roti telur ngan sosej..mampukah anda melakukannye selama ini?? wa wawa wawaaa...x saba nk mkn yg sdap2 kat umah tu...naseb laa aku ni jenis yg blh berthn mkn same food for long time..huih..miss malaysia food sooo much~!

isk3.. balik ni nk mkn asam pedas..hehe..dh btau mak dh..yeehaaa...asam pedas menyambut kepulanganku...huk3..pastu nk mkn ikan patin masak lemak cili api...waaaaa..drooolinggg...yg ni pun dh tau dh akan ada org masakkan...kui3..nk mkn nasik lemak ngan sambal sotong + ayam...nk mkn laksam..waaaaaa..sume nk mkn..x d lupa juga, nk mkn sushi! yeahhh...im going to catch sushi soon..aha, dinner at KL Tower again...yeehaaa! ths time, we'll having family dinner at Sri Angkasa Revolving Restaurant KL Tower...x saba nyeee...huhuhuhuhu....apsal sume cite mkn kan..haih..tu laa dia... nk wat guane.. haha..oklah.. time to sleep now..daaaaa~

moga d permudahkan Allah segala urusan school utk seminggu lg ni.. insya allah..

06 December 2007

End for Part 1

Alhamdulillah... Part 1 end with flying colurs.. yeehaaaaa! best2..syukur...thanks to Allah sbb mudahkan segala urusanku di sini..alhamdulillah.. 3weeks done..2wks more to go.. aftr that, home sweet home! waaaweeeee....moga dpermudahkn sgala urusan ku utk hari2 mendatang.. insya Allah..amien.. erm, apa pun, kene usaha laa kan..ada usaha, ada laa hasilnye...kan..kan..hehe..

dgn doa dan harapan agar part 2 akan berjln dgn lancar.. insya allah..

22 November 2007



yuhuu..skrg tgh school... technical school.. huhu~ kat Middle East Asia Learning Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE.. 3wks + 2wks course which is total 5 wks course..which evry week has test and the passing marks for the test is 75%.. moga dipermudahkan Allah segala urusanku.. insya Allah, amien.. today last day class for 1st week.. next sunday morning got test..waaweee...hahahaha..test2.. takot sbnrnya.. tp..kalau study, usaha, adalah hasilnye...kan..kan..kan.. hehe.. weekend kene study..caiyok! moga aku berjaya dlm segala exam2 yg akan ku lalui... insya Allah.. yeah, peringatan utk diri sendiri, jgn tinggal semayang!! walaupun susah nk solat kat sini, ingat ye suraidah.. kalau kat desert tu boleh je semayang full, x kan kat building yg selesa ni x leh nk semayang full..mohon d permudahkan segalanya.. amien..

erm.. life pack kat sini.. sbb class start dr kul 830am until 430pm.. kul 630am naik bus dr apartment, sejam perjlnan dr apartment ke training ctr ni.. huih.. balik kul 5pm naik bus, smpi apartment kul 6 dh.. dah maghrib.. maghrib skrg kul 530pm.. kuar tgh sunrise, balik tgk sunset.. uuu uuu.. mlm study sket2..selak2 balik apa yg belajar td.. pastu tdo.. sbb pg nk bgn awl.. wuwuwuwuwuuuu

erm.. apa lg ye.. ni tgh lunch break.. hehe.. kepada sesape yg drop by baca, doakan su success... ok..gud luck to evry body.. hehe ;) take care thr... huih..miss him so much! :(

10 November 2007

tak semudah yang di sangka...


subhanallah.. huh.. baru tahu langit tu tinggi ke rendahnye.. syukur alhamdulillah.. terima kasih Allah kerana telah memberi aku peluang dan ruang dlm hidup utk melalui semua ini.. ku mohon kekuatan dariMu ya Allah utk aku melalui segala cabaran dan dugaanMu d hari2 yang mendatang.. berilah hambaMu ini petunjuk dan ku mohon moga Kau permudahkan segalanya untukku.. insya Allah.. Amien..

dlm masa beberapa hari masuk crew ni, mcm2 dh rasa n lalui.. whew! x semudah y d sangka.. 1st thing nk story pasal Jumaat semalam.. that was my 1st day going to the Masjid (Masjid Mirfa, Abu Dhabi, UAE) waktu semayang Jumaat.. even kat Mesia pun i never bother to care bout Friday Prayer.. tup2 smpi Abu Dhabi, kene g semayang jumaat.. fuh, can u guys imagine? punyalah ramai makhluk Allah yg bernama lelaki.. dan tetiba aku sorg je pompuan.. naseb laa pakai coverall keje.. xde laa heran sgt.. syukur alhamdulillah, Allah permudahkan urusanku, sbb kat masjid tu, x mcm kat mesia.. totally different.. Musolla An-Nisa (Tempat Solat Wanita) dia sgt laa unik.. satu bilik kecik d luar bangunan masjid yg sgt besar tersergam indah.. alhamdulillah.. aku sorg2 je kat situ.. pengalaman sgt berharga.. knape aku pegi masjid semayang Jumaat? haha.. sbb.. xde driver nk anto aku balik camp.. so, follow je laa pegi masjid pun.. asal dpt toilet ngan semayang.. tp.. aku x semayang jumaat laa.. aku semayang zohor.. haha.. sbb ntah.. mmg x tergerak pun hati nk semayang jumaat tu.. dlm hati mmg kata, semayang zohor je.. end one part.

skrg kat sini dh musim sejuk.. ehehe.. again, can u imagine, musim sejuk d padang pasir? subuh skrg pukul 5.15am... kul 6am dh start meeting.. by 630am dh ada kat field.. maghrib kat sini skrg ni kul 540pm.. isyak dia kul 640pm.. hehe.. balik keje kul brape? balik keje kul 530pm..wahahaha.. musim sejuk nye, siang singkat, mlm pjg.. huhu.. the best part! alhamdulillah.. the wind this time is so chill.. sgt sejuk.. aku x pnah tdo berselimut, hehe..ths time i did it! huhu.. kasik bungkus baik nye.. hahahaha.. start kul 830-9pm je angin dia dh best dh.. sejuk.... pg time meeting lg laa... haha.. masuk smpi tulang anginnye... naseb laa keje pakai coverall.. alhamdulillah.. merasa laa cuaca sejuk d sini.. max temperature siangnye dlm 36deg celcius je.. best kan? hehe.. best laaa utk pdg pasir.. huhu.. end 2nd part.

yerp.. as usual.. dh jd mcm habit plak feeling ni.. perasaan d mana mengharapkan yg hari itu akan habes dgn cepat dan pantasnye... hehe.. azab sgt ke keje ni? tak laa.. insya allah x.. still under control lg.. tp.. itulah dia.. hehe... tgk2 jam, aik br kul 12pm ke? tgk lg jam, aik br kul 2pm ke? bila nk kul 445pm ni.. haha.. knape 445? sbb dh dkt kul 5.. hihihi.. abes je keje, ada satu perasaan puas... alhamdulillah... abes sudah hari ni.. ahhaaha.. tunggu ketibaan hari esok plak.. hehe.. perasaan apakah ini? ntah le.. tp inilah yg aku rasa bila d crew.. mungkin blom make used of it lg kot...someday.. hopefully~ amien... end 3rd part.

yeah! start to diet balik.. uhuhu.. nantikan kepulanganku! kita saksikan sama2.. kurus ke? ekekkeke.. wpun sbnrnya mcm payah nk diet kat sini.. sbb lauk2 nye sgt laa sedap n lazat... fuh.. sungguh sukar menahan selra dan rasa.. haha.. tp.. yg pasti, bfast ku kini adalah capati yg d mkn bersama2 labor worker... waahahhaa.. selambe.. nk get in ngan diorg, kene laa follow kan.. hehe.. xpe, diorg yg masak.. bkn aku pun.. huhu~ they cooking the cooked food. heh, blh imagine ke? lauk tu dh masak pun, pastu diorg masak balik kat tgh2 field tu, ltak ranting2 kayu, bakar pastu masak lauk tu dgn d tambah bawang, cili, tomato..mereka kata, kitchen masak x sedap.. suka hati diorg laa.. aku ikut saje.. sbb sume aku blh mkn.. alhamdulillah... setakat ni, xde masalah mknan lg.. moga2 ok smpi bila2.. insya allah.. haaa, tu mknan bfast ku.. hehe.. 2 keping capati, bersama ngan lauk - selalu aku mkn bawang je, pastu amik seketul daging: chicken/beef/mutton. sbb dh kata share ngan worker, kasik laa diorg mkn.. diorg wat keje lg byk dr aku.. hehe.. see me at the end of december.. i'll be in Malaysia.. New Year at Malaysia.. yeehaaa! ada apa ngan New year tu? erk? xde pape pun.. umur bertambah sudah.. haha.. end 4th part.

today story.. hari ni, 1st time aku semayang kat tgh2 pdg pasir, sorg... erm.. satu lg pengalaman br yg sgt berharga.. br kini ku tahu, d mana2 pun blh semayang.. sbb b4 ni bila time semayang, ada je tpt semayang utk d tuju.. but ths time... u have to pray thr.. sbb alasan yg sama.. diver xde nk bwk aku balik camp.. since this shooting area is far from camp.. so, diorg mls laa nk balik camp.. nant buang masa dkt sejam gitu saje.. xpe, aku x nk mcm jd beban plak kat diorg.. ikut je laa kan.. huhu~ 1st time semayang kat tgh2 pdg pasir sorg.. apasal sorg? mana pegi crew lain? sorg sbb driver tu tinggalkan aku kat situ utk semayang, then dia pegi wat keje dia dlm 2km dr tpt aku semayang tu.. yg lain sume jauh2.. x nmpk pun bayang diorg.. aha, fyi, hari ni aku jd line boss.. line boss? huhu.. 1st day.. xpe.. belaja laa kan.. hehe.. line boss ni ala2 jd supervisor kat labor worker tu.. kita jd mandur laa.. middle man btwn org atas aku ngan org bwhan.. sng ye? haha.. sila try skali.. then only u know langit tu tinggi ke rendah... erm.. semayang tu.. sepanjang masa air mata mengalir.. x tau apsal... pelik kan.. masa tu rasa sgt besar nye ciptaan Allah... kecik nye aku.. mohon Allal permudahkan segala urusanku.. amien.. alhamdulillah... hari ni solat d tgh pdg pasir.. wudhuk? ada air kat vehicle yg bwk aku tu... mmg ada tong air kat setiap vehicle.. so, amik semayang laa kat situ..mcm susah sket, sbb nk jaga rambut.. tp alhamdulillah, d permudahkan Allah.. semayang pakai apa? coverall tu saje laa.. berstoking.. hehe.. end 5th part.

come to the hardest part.. yess.. now i know.. bukan sume yg lelaki buat, pompuan boleh buat.. fyi, kat crew ni ada 2 je pompuan.. aku ngan russian girl tu.. that russian girl is Geophysicist.. so, she just stay in the office in camp.. no need to go to the field.. i'm the only lady in the field.. haha.. apa kess? patut laa sume dok tanya kat aku, apsal x mintak jd technician ke? geophysicist ke? knape jd observer? huhu.. rupe2nye.. ths is the hard thing.. yesss... i agreee!!! can u imagine, dr kul 6am until 530pm, x yah g toilet utk buang air kecik.. huh.. mmg menguji kesabaran dan segala2 yg ada dlm diri.. termasuk laa sistem tubuh bdn.. haha.. almost 12hrs u cant go to toilet utk kencing.. fuhh! lelaki2 kat sekeliling aku tu sume dh kencing 2 3 kali dh.. aku ni... dlm hati dok mintak, berilah aku kekuatan utk menahan hajat ni smpi waktu pulang nanti... dh tu mana ada toilet kat tgh2 pdg pasir.. i need to start to think the alternative way how to kencing kat field.. instead of going to toilet, apakah cara lain ? hahaha.. pelik je kan.. dlm hati ni trus terpk, apsal laa aku x bwk bag tube yg org sakit kat spital tu pakai.. kan ke sng.. leh kencing guna tube tu je.. hahaha.. gile! huih... mmg laa.. ni dugaan paling berat keje ni.. bila mana kita sorg je pompuan d kalangan 100++ crew d field, mereka x kan paham.. sbb mereka sume lelaki.. ini laaa yg lelaki blh buat, tp aku yakin, pompuan mmg x kan boleh buat.. dgn pakai coverall, mcm mana nak kencing kat tgh2 padang pasir tu jika anda seorg perempuan? pk kan... end 6th part.

yeah.. one week to go.. Nov 17 I'll leaving the crew for School in MLC, Abu Dhabi.. the school will be going for 5 wks.. finish on Dec 21 and, evry weekend have EXAMS! weeeweeett!! passing marks is 75%! Fail? TERMINATE! Pass? Alhamdulillah.. Soon to be promoted.. insya Allah.. doakan aku success! moga d permudahkan segalanya utk ku.. amien.. Dec 22 is my flight home! huhu~ aha, ths school is technical school, kiranya, dia ajar technical things dlm bentuk theory-class lecture, then Q&A, presentation, assessment n so on.. haha.. as usual dude.. SLB is always like ths.. learning while working.. yeay! Ive got new country of assignment.. huhu~ Ive been assign to Egypt instead of Kuwait.. coz they fail to get my working visa to Kuwait, n maybe after tired of applying my Kuwaiti visa, they transfer me to Egypt.. hopefully no problem with the visa.. the crew location currently is near the Nile River.. hehe.. Insya Allah, if evrythg go smoothly, by Jan 8, I'll be in Egypt with new crew.. New year with new crew! Insya Allah.. Amien.. end 7th part.

ada lg ke nk story? haha.. xde dh... missing my dear so much over here! thanks so much dear for evrythg.. moga jodoh kita kekal hingga ke akhirnya.. insya allah.. amien.. End.

22 October 2007


m start counting the day to go back to the crew.. hahaha.. 2 wks holiday is quite long day... what to do? huhu.. nak masuk keje balik... aderh.. cuti dok umah lama2 ni x best rupenye.. hahahha.. apa kess nih? org sume nk cuti.. aku je nak keje.. haha..hampas tul.. cecepat laa balik keje.. heheh.. nak keje.. nak keje.. penat dh rasanye cuti dok umah ni.. huuuu~

07 October 2007

ketulusan hati


03 October 2007

pelik tapi benar.. subhanallah..

erm.. seperti yg d janjikan.. here we go~ this is what we called Subkha area.. the area which is watery and having white (salt) layer on top of it.. this is not an oasis.. just imagine, in the middle of the desert, there is such place located thr which is very amazing but dangerous.. ok.. have a nice view.. inilah dia ciptaan Allah.. moga cebisan ini dpt memberi keinsafan pd kita betapa kecil nye kita ni d bumi allah.. subhanallah..

inilah lautan lapisan garam, erm.. thats my asst. manager, scouting on ths area..

view ni cantek sket.. we can see the watery area, and the salt layer, also the land of the desert area..

ni pandangan dr jarak dekat, air tu.. cetek je.. hehe.. tp kalau terpijak.. selamat.. innalillah... even unta pun, kalau 'ter'pijak, trus tinggal kat situ.. smpi laa mati.. area ni mcm jerlus.. very soft surface.. kalau silap, tup2, hilang dh d telan dek bumi..

ths also we calld subkha area

haa.. tu kesan tapak kaki... bayangkan, tu br kat tepi je..kalau jln2 g tgh sket...jeng3..hehe..

orait.. itu shj khabar dr bumi UAE stakat ni.. hehe.. selamat meniti hari2 10 malam terakhir ramadhan.. moga ramadhan kali ni penuh makna buat semua.. smpi bertemu lg~ salam.

29 September 2007


haih..lama x tulis.. nk tulis mcm2.. tp x tau nk start dr mana.. nk crite yg mana..sbb byk sgt critenye.. hehe..

alhamdulillah.. life's good at the moment..moga d permudahkan Allah segala urusanku..amien..

hari ni dh masuk 17 ramadhan..skjap je masa berlalu.. tp itulah yg aku harapkan..haha.. bunyi mcm pelik.. tp, ya! mmg itu yg kuharapkan..kepantasan masa berlalu.. supaya aku x terasa berlalu nye hari2 yg mendatang.. nk kata life hectic, xde laa sgt.. evrythg dh calm.. no more srabut2.. seems like evrythg is under control.. homesick ke? blom lg.. hehe.. xde laa counting days utk touch klia pun.. huhuhu... ntah laa.. tp itulah hakikatnya.. aku mengharapkan hari2 ini berlalu pergi dgn pantas.. rasa satu kesyukuran bila dh abes keje on that day, wahh..alhamdulillah.. dh habes satu hari.. esok dh masuk hr baru..x lama lg dh masuk bulan baru.. alhamdulillah.. nk kata tgu gaji pun, xde laa sgt.. sbb mmg xde plan nk belik apa2 pun.. just plan nk spend with family je..apakah yg kucari sbnrnya? wuhuuuu... pk2...

erm.. dh 17 hari pose, selama 17 hari jugak laa mknan sahur ku sama je setiap hari..kui3... apakah menu nye? jeng3.. hahaha.. hari2 minum air teh o suam satu mug..pastu mkn telur dadar goreng + sosej ayam 1 + pancake + lauk (ayam / kambing/ lembu) utk cicah2 pancake tu..hahahaha.. bukak pose plak, naseb laa menu nye bertukar2.. tp air minum nye, sama saja.. hari2 bukak pose ngan air sejuk.. warghhhh... rindu nye nk minum air soya ngan teh bunga!! xpe2.. tgu balik nant.. mknan tu leh survive laa.. syukur sgt sbb aku ni jenis boleh mkn menu yg sama setiap hari.. no word 'jemu' in mylife.. alhamdulillah..

erm.. nk share sket, ths happend yesterday... since i'm the only malaysian in this crew.. haha.. nasib laa aku ni suke senyum n gelak.. yeah, suatu benda yg x perlukan bayaran bila d buat... i was surprised when one of the labour (worker) told me suddenly, "madam, now i know malaysia people is good, because u always smiling.. before ths i dont know how malaysia ppl..im sure that all malaysia ppl love to smile" haaaa....terkujat2 aku.. apakah sblm ni dia berpk malaysia ppl ni terrorist? kui3... actually worker tu from sri lanka.. alhamdulillah, aku x bg bad impression kat dia.. i'm proud to be malaysian! yeahhh...

ahaa..do u think there's a lake on the desert? lake with water... true water... hehe.. nant cont story.. pk2 dulu ye.. muahahaha...

selamat pose sume.. selamat membuat persiapan beraya... berjimat2 laa d hari raya... x yah membazir..

14 September 2007



just wanna share the life at desert...

Base camp, Manager office.. basically ths is the area of the camp..

This is the dining area.. to be exact, bbq area... diner hall is inside the trailer..

Pandangan dr arah barat... Suasana camp..

We called ths recording truck.. hehe :) insya allah, kat dlm ni laa tpt ku bekerja nant... truck ni move ikut workers.. kat mana diorg shoot, kat situ laa truck ni ada utk record data..
moga aku berjaya dlm kerjaya ni.. Insya allah.. amien...
Selamat Berpuasa utk semua..

02 September 2007

OFS-1, MLC Abu Dhabi, UAE

Hi guys.. here are some of the pics while I'm doing the OFS-1 course at MLC Training center, Abu Dhabi, UAE...

At MLC auditorium with all the newcomers of SLB...

At Le Meridien Hotel, Abu Dhabi.. Dinner wif some of the managers.. Almost all are here, with 23 different nationalities.. huhu~ I'm the only Malaysian thr...

Me - Malaysian, Peng Yee - Bruneian, Funmilola - Nigerian, Ngoc - Vietnamese, Mahamat - Chadian...

Inside the training ctr... Can I say that ths is deserted place? hoho...

At the MLC lobby... Yeah, all are here!~

Wini - Indonesian, Ngoc - Vietnamese, Su - Malaysian, Peng Yee - Bruneian... Enjoy~
When it comes to different nationalities, language and culture is the main problem.. but later you will get used into it.. English is the best lang to use.. be a native speaker! gud luck dude!~ hope to see all u guys in next 2 months time.. yehaaa... then we can discuss on how 'suffer' our life in the location... keh3
:: at location, with WG crew 1755, Abu Dhabi, I'm the only 1 malaysian... and luckily got 2 female crew thr - Lyubov (Russian) and Me!~ Wish me luck frenz! ::

31 August 2007

New mode...


Hi evrybody.. thanks for dropping by here.. how r u guys? m fine here.. alhamdulillah.. nothing much to worry about since ths is just the started... huhu.. on sept 2, m going to field.. another new phase of my life... working in field as trainee seismic engineer specifically on land acquisition engineer.. for ths 1st 2months, i will be working in Abu Dhabi desert.. then im going to Kuwait desert around mid december.. in mid november, i'll be back in Abu Dhabi city, for my school... insya allah...

oo yeah.. b4 forget, congratulations to all my frenz who will be graduating tomorrow, sept 1.. enjoy ur convocation dude! dont forget to upload all the pict later... haha..

whats interesting in Abu Dhabi? erm.. i went to Abu Dhabi mall, its quite a western place.. almost same wif KLCC in Malaysia.. most attraction thing when i came here is the dates tree.. pokok kurma.. diorg just tanam pokok kurma tu kat tepi sepjg jln, pastu pasang jaring kat buah dia... the jaring is looks like a cage... so that bila buah kurma tu dh masak n gugur, xde laa gugur kat tanah... very nice.. i was thinking that if malaysia can do same thing and plant a tree yg boleh dtg kan keuntungan kat negara sendiri, thats more beautiful.. hahaha... tanam pokok pisang ke... x pun, any pokok yg boleh bg hasil, besides just bg daun je kan... the process still same, they need to watering the plant, no matter what plant it is.. so, why dont they just plant a tree that can give money to the country... hehehe... tu je yg menarik hati ku... sbb rasa mcm waaa... kagum nye... hehe... may be on my next entry, i can said that ive seen a camel.. sbb another 2 days i'll be going to desert.. m looking fwd into it.. yeah!

ok... cont later.. got assessment to do.. tata...salam

::doakan su..moga d permudahkan segalanya...insya allah::

22 August 2007

ungu-kekasih gelapku

nice song! enjoy~

:: For you my dear.. Thanks for the love n care! ::

The day ...


To all,

My flight scheduled is on August 24, 2007 at 2.40pm to Abu Dhabi, UAE..

Thanks for evrything frenz.. Taking care..


07 August 2007

.Confuse is Always: Yes, you're right frenz.

today: 07 08 07

hikss... what a nice date..
life? trying to ENJOY evry moment that i have now with ppl around me~!
hopefully I can make it.. Insya Allah.. moga d permudahkan segalanya..
currently i'm Confuse with myself, confuse with what i had, confuse with my own feeling, confuse with my own spending, confuse in evryhthg........
yerp.. another 2 and half week to go~ gotchaaaa!!
:: not feeling well ::

03 August 2007



Yeah! Akhirnye.. penantian itu akan berakhir.. Insya Allah..

Yesterday morning, 'm so happy~! lalalalala~
At last, I've received an email from my dear sis Fauziah from HR SLB saying that
".... August 26 is starting date for you. Pls standby..... " yuhuuuuu! Ths means my flight will be on August 25 since my starting date is August 26. Alhamdulillah.. Akhirnye... *wink*

Another 3 weekends I'll be here.. Preparation? not yet done.. hehe.. Next Thursday - August 9, is my last day working as Research Asst. at Uniten. August 10-13, I'm going back to Malacca, to visit all my relatives thr.. Jalan2 jenguk sedara sambil mkn angin ngan mak.. hehe.. then relax for few days.. August 17-19, going to Pekan, Pahang to attend my in-law family wedding. Then can get ready packing all the needed stuff to bring along wif me.. The next weekend is 'The Day' for me! yeahhh!

I know I have to well mentally n physically prepared to start my career thr.. Yes, I do believe for the time being my mental is well prepared. Even the works that will come is saying harder and tougher, I know I can face it.. Yeahh!! We have to keep the '+ve thinking' minded in ourselves. huhu~

Moga Allah permudahkan segalanya... Insya Allah.. Amien..

:: Kepada sesiapa yg drop by baca blog nih, sahabat2, rakan2, Su mohon maaf dr hujung rambut smpi hujung kaki... mintak ampun kalau ada slh silap selama kita kenal... halalkan mkn minum, apa2 yg terbelanja... kalau su ada hutang, cecepat claim balik kat su... doakan semuanya selamat dunia akhirat... doakan moga dipermudahkan segalanya... semoga sume berjaya... keep in touch! sampai bertemu lagi~::

23 July 2007

y e s t e r d a y . . .

yesterday : 22 07 2007

huahuahua.. another +1 to may age.. alhamdulillah.. bersyukur kerana masih bernyawa.. syukur atas segala nikmat yg Allah beri.. Alhamdulillah.. nothing special yesterday.. except on saturday night, spent time wif whole family, mkn2 celebrate my bday.. yeahh.. happy moment ;) the family that holds together strongly~!

:: Love is the greatest refreshment in life ::

*status: Single but Not availabe & Not looking*

20 July 2007


- today is 20 07 2007 -

Is your birthday day 22 of the month?

Your Life
You have the boss character, but not a leader. Most people look up to youfor your capability and confidence although they find you quite stubborn.You should listen more to others. You are a unique and charming individual.

Your Love
You hardly take the moderate track. You either love or hate someone. Whom you call friends are the chosen ones. If any of them betray you, you won'tlet them get away without having hard time.

:: now i believe.. cinta tu x perlu d cari.. kerana ia akan dtg dgn sendiri.. ::

:: alhamdulillah.. may ths happiness lasting forever~ ::

18 July 2007

- none -

uu uuu.. apa nih? ish.. x ske laa.. x ske btol perasaan ketika nih.. warghh!!

sudah2 laaa wahai suraidah.. haih.. x kesah laa kan.. whatever... saba je.. insya allah, pasti ada sesuatu yg lbh baik nant.. amien..

hoping that ths weekend will boost up my mood.. yeay!

friday nite going to watch "The King & I Musical Masterpiece" theater at Istana Budaya.. huhu.. thanks to my lovely bro, for the free tickets! hikkss.. angah said consider the tickets as my bday present for ths yr and last yr.. combo bday present... yeehaaa!! anyone care to be my partner on that nite to watch ths theater? huhu.. i've got 2 tickets from my bro.. seating at stalls area which the price for the ticket is rm225 each.. kuang3..

saturday noon going to lynn's wedding wif boy.. haha.. boy, jgn lupa dtg umah aku, amik aku ye.. ngeh3..

saturday nite plan to go for family dinner.. insya allah, hopefully evrythg will go smoothly.. amien.. nyum3... yummyyy~

uwaaa... bad news... my payment for ths month will get at the end of august? uwaaa.a..a.a sib baik keje smpi 9/8 je.. hihihi.. jimat laa gak det... kuang3... jimat ke? ooppsss...

mudah2an work permit tu selamat laa d approve... jgn laa ada sebrg masalah... Ya Allah, permudahkan laa segala urusan yang berkaitan dgn kerja ku.. amien.. erm.. x larat nk tangguh2 lg..isk..isk..isk.. biar laa jd 25/8 tu.. amien.. insya allah...

:: Dalam byk2 kesakitan, kesakitan yg paling besar ialah mencintai, tetapi dgn cinta yg kekosongan ::

14 July 2007

. beautiful day .

lovely sista~ Kak Ernie & Kak Aishah ~

Thanks to my beloved sista for the very enjoyable day~ we spent time together from the sunrise till the sunset.. ahakss.. insya allah, by end of ths year, we meet up n spent time together again.. congrates utk kak aishah! hehe.. thanks so much for the yummmmyyyy~ lunch.. thanks also for the tips to lepaks.. ehehe.. n utk kak ernie thanks for the bfast n tea time food.. hihiih.. ksian akak kan, x penah2 org byr parking nearly to rm20.. heheh.. but d sbb kan hari indah kita, yeah! you made it! hihihih.. best kan sekali sekala kuar lepaks2 doing gurl stuff.. hahahah.. very2 enjoy!~ hikkss.. no matter what, the memories will remain forever... love you!

:: hari x selalunye indah.. tp yg indah itu tetap hidup dlm ingatan ::

13 July 2007

. whats next ? .

:: you come from no where.. and in no time got close.. not to me, but to my heart ::

The Fabulous Cats - Rimas

. r i m a s .

Lari, lari, lari
Aku lari tingalkan semua ini
Untuk mencari, cari, cari
Ketenangan diri

Pergi, pergi, pergi
Engkau pergi dari hidupku ini
Ku tak mahu, mahu
Engkau hadir dalam diri ini

Keluhan hatiku tak siapa yang tahu
Ku simpan semua sebak di dada
Biar ku yang terluka
Pernahkah kau mengerti caraku memujukmu
Pernahkah kau hargai caraku mencintaimu

Lafaskan kata dari bibir
Adakahnya dari hati
Mungkin kau tak fahami maksudnya yang tersembunyi
Titisan air mata dari pipi ke bumi
Pernahkah kau peduli betapa sedih diriku ini


Aku yang terluka
Aku yang merana
Aku yang menahan sisa baki cinta ini
Engkau yang meminta
Aku yang sengsara
Rimas, rimas aku rimas

Tidak pesona kecundang
Istana jiwa ku goyang
Roboh dan tumbang
Sawan ku lantang
Tidak berpantang
Letupnya siang-siang
Bukannya alang-kepalang datangnya perang
Dan bawa ku ke jurang
Pulanglah sayang janji ku tatang
Ku hapuskan dalang
Dalangnya sayang
Sayangnya hilang
Hilanglah garang
Garang ku Terbang melayang
Terbongkang ku terbangkau terhoyong-hayang
Tak pandang belakang
Terkangkang kira ku tak diundang ku rapuh
Semua tak bertiang janji ku kini kan berulang

(Ulang korus)

Lari lari aku
Lari tinggalkan
Tinggalkan semua ini
Untuk mencari
Untuk mencari ketenangan
Aku pergi tinggalkan
Tinggalkan kau sendiri
Ku pergi, kini ku pergi

(Ulang korus 3x)

:: status unknown~ ::

07 July 2007

070707 - whats special ?

07 July 2007 - 070707
whats special?
waiting for the next 5 yrs ~ see what will happen ...
12 December 2012 - 121212

06 July 2007

confuse mode ?

hi thr..
aftr a month jadi research asst., i realize that the higher position you hold, higher responsibilities you handled for, BUT less work load... uu uuu.. now i'm working as temporary clerk for 1 month - July.. huhu.. aftr a week i'm doing clerical work, i realize that.........waaaa.... jd RA lg sng dowh! hectic gile jd clerk nih! sume nk kene kejar.. evrythg they will turn up to u..huh.. pemalas ke mereka2 tu? ntah laa.. maybe if we were on their chair, then only we know why they askd the clerk to do all the job.. hahah.. neway, buat je laa keje nye kan.. this is a good experience for me.. kalau x sure x tau apa prasaan kerani2 nih.. huhu~

last tuesday nite, smthg was happend.. uuhh... i've tried my best not to get involved in ths matter anymore until the time has come... but? x kan laa time tu secepat nih... huhu.. apa kess nii? nvm, just let the nature follow their way.. insya allah... *remain secret till .... ?* whatever it is, m happy~!

14 June 2007

Rooms for Rent

Bilik untuk di sewa:

1. Rumah teres 2 tingkat (4 bilik, 3bilik air)

2. Master bedroom with attached bathroom (RM 300 - neg.)

3. Standard bedroom (RM 150 - neg.)

di alamat:

Taman Desa Dahlia, Kg. Sungai Ramal Dalam.

Berminat? Sila hubungi:

Izatt 012-3699852
Laila 017-7889210

12 June 2007

ting tong . . . ?


today is ting tong day... dont know why.. but the truth is .... my morale getting down...warghhh... what the ?? ... huh... saba je laa kan... leh plak jd cenggini... hadap je laaa.... isk..isk..isk..

erm.. ptg smlm dh submit report.. today relax skett laa.. alhamdulillah.. ptg ni nk cabut awl laa.. nk tenang kan hati dan perasaan.. ekekke.. slalu asyik balik dkt2 kul 7 je.. hari ni balik dkt2 kul 6 plak laa.. heheh... bak kata kak izat, bkn ada sape nk byr OT.. kuang3... huhu~

whats next? .. kita merancang, Allah yang menentukan... berusahalah!

:: moga ada hikmah d sebalik semua ini ::

07 June 2007

07 06 07 - what's special?


Yeayy! happy mood today :D ~ ahaks.. thanxs!

erm.. wanna wish Selamat Pengantin Baru to my fren Salik Hazim & Afzan Suffian ~ huu.. dh nikah ye salik akhirnye.. kpd yg x tau, harap maklum.. hahaha.. moga selamat ke anak cucu..

ths weekend, 09/06/07, my housemate wedding - Siti Zaharah & Faizal.. dh nikah last week.. but kitaorg ahli2 rumah x dpt g.. n yet we decided nk g ths saturday, blah lelaki nye.. huhu.. selambe.. xpe.. dpt jemputan.. ngeh3.. haa.. ths weekend gak Malaysian PM nikah... hihi.. bak kata kak ernie, kene g awal wedding kak ct ni, sbb pastu nk attend wedding pak lah plak.. kuang3...

byk tul org kawen.. al maklum laa, school holiday.. haih.. today need to submit 1st draft of my report.. but the progress? wa a aaa.. apsal rasa mcm byk je lg nk kene add on nih.. saba2.. buat je keje tu yee.. baekk!!

:: really miss u dear!! thanks for last night conversation.. hikkss.. terubat gak rindu d hati ;) ::

05 June 2007

Post Graduate Study Fair 2007

For those who r interested or plan to further their study in master's degree or PhD, here's the event for u to visit...

Gud Luck!~

OGA 2007 : The 11th Asia Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition (13-15 June 2007)

OGA 2007 : The 11th Asia Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition (13-15 June 2007)

The biggest oild and gas event in Asia, Oild & Gas Asia 2007 (OGA-07) scheduled from 13th to 15th June 2007 at The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Besides Schlumberger, 860 companies from 36 countries are expected to participate at OGA-07.

There are 6 reasons why you should attend the OGA-07 :-

  • Creates the opportunity for you to exchange options with members of National Oil Companies within the ASEAN region.
  • Allow you to interact with some 860 exhibiting companies from 36 countries.
  • Discuss the latest in technology and services with industry experts.
  • Explore new business avenues and untapped potentials.
  • See some of the maiden product launches on first hand basis.
  • Time Saving plan as you can see existing suppliers as well as new ones over a 3-day period under one roof!
Dress code : Strictly office or business entire.

Working . .


Hi thr.. erm.. aftr a month lepaks at home, now i'm working... yippiieee... hik3.. working as Research Asst. at Uniten under project TNB Technology Road Map Phase 2, which has come into final stage.. n i have to cope as fast as i can towards ths project since i need to submit a report by end of ths month n the draft is due ths friday... huhuhu... sounds like crazy jerk.. btw, i believed that i can do ths! yeahhh!! I Can! go Su Go~

for info, my flight has been postponed to 25th August 2007 due to Slb Kuwait operation team is not ready yet in many thgs n i hope that the date is not going to postponed again aftr ths.. hopefully.. insya allah... n due to ths reason, i've to get part time job... n thats y i'm working as RA in uniten :) insya allah, i'll b working here for 2 months only - June + July -

ok.. cont later.. need to do some research n report today *wink* ... best wooo life keje... keje laaa... feel the different life~ turn into new phase of life... hik3...

:: Cinta tidak selalu bersama jodoh.. tapi jodoh selalu bersama cinta.. ::

28 May 2007

getting bored...


Hi thr.. as my title stated above, my life is getting bored now.. urghhh..

Tomorrow morning m going to uniten, looking for a job as RA.. hopefully i can get the job as my part time job.. yerp... i need a job, coz i have lot of commitment to focus on.. haih.. moga d permudahkan segalanya esok.. amien..

so far all unlimited downloadble games setled... i managed to complete all the game till the end of the game itself.. yippeee... n now, m downloading another game to play.. huahuahua...

okes.. tata..

:: Love is the greatest refreshment in life.. [erk? betul ke? huhu~] ::

14 May 2007

Dinner @ KL Tower~


sorry for the late post... supposed all ths screenshot posted on 11th May.. but really tired on last weekend.. full! hoho.. I put here some of my memories at KL Tower.. having dinner with frens (Syida, Shiao Ling, Yen Yee) n lecturers to celebrate the victory of EPSCom'07 which the event held on last Jan'07. Sorry for some of my frens who cant attend ths dinner.. I did try my best while arranged ths dinner so that everyone can attend.. sorry again...

batu uban KL Tower ~

View of KL Tower dr bwh~

Selamat datang~ huhu... main entrance of KL Tower.. here's the ticket counter~

me :) hohoho~ time ni tgh bosan menant ketibaan my beloved lecturer.. janji kul 8pm, but till 8.20pm x gak nmpk2 btg hidung.. hahaha.. apa kess? at last they turn up on 8.35pm..

View of KLCC from KL Tower~ nice view!

my entrance ticket to Restoran Berputar Seri Angkasa~

our table number: 34.. what a nice number! hahaha.. (3+4 = 7) huhu~

Yen Yee, Shiao Ling, Syida~

yeah.. that's part of the screenshots while me n frens at KL Tower.. comment for the food: yummy! really delicious! superb! variety of food with 4 buffet island.. insya allah, later i'll bring my family members to have our dinner there plaks ;)
:: Hidup tak selalunya indah tapi yang indah itu tetap hidup dalam kenangan ::

13 May 2007

Happy Mother's Day~

Happy Mother's Day!~

This is the cuppy cup cakes for my loveliest mummy... hik3.. surprise party from me + my bros' + my in law... wahahaha.. so happy~ alhamdulillah, mak suke sgt! hooraayyy!~ this cuppy cup cake is home made by kak shida at sentul utara.. the taste's not bad.. the cake is yummy delicious.. but as what my bro said, the topping is creamy but sweetless.. hikksss... nvm, next time need to inform to kak shida kene wat manis skett topping nye.. hahhaa.. neway, to all mummy, Happy Mother's Day~ this noon, all my family members will go out to join the Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) 2007 at KL Covention Center.. ths is family's weekend~ *wink*
:: kasihnya ibu membawa ke Syurga~ ::

04 May 2007

alhamdulillah ~


yeehaaa...result dh kuar.. alhamdulillah.. setle sume result subjek2, just left wif project 2 nye result... to all my frenz, CongRats atas kejayaan masing2 utk sem akhir nih... sgala usaha n penat lelah kita slama ni utk mendapatkn sekeping kertas 'bachelor degree' telah berakhir... alhamdulillah... pd yg dpt DL tu, huk3... tahniah, n jgn lupa blanje.. wahahaha

semalam... pg2 dh dpt call dr HR technip geoproduction.. another job offer that ive got since last 2 wks.. ada ke tanya, awk boleh start keje next week ke? hahahah... apakah?? I was like.. wat? err.. give me time to think bout ths.. i'll give u a call by ths noon to decide wether i can accept or not ths offer..huk3.. apa kess?? mmg x nk laa kan... lg pun, slb yg bg offer dulu, as plan earlier, sape yg bg offer dulu, sebat yg tu.. haha.. ptg dlm kul 3 try call the HR person, but the person mtg plak.. ok, nvm, i'll call tomorrow morning.. actually pk tu bkn pk nk trima ke x, but i was thinking on how to reject the offer in d best way n best words.. huk3..

hari ini... erm.. pg2 call the technip HR person, n tell them my decision..haha...guess wat? ada ke dia x puas ati aku reject offer tu.. ish3.. siap suh aku bg reason, knape aku x nk keje ngan diorg.. uu uuu.. parahhhh.. nk reject pun kene bg alasan byk2.. aderh.. time tu rasa nk letak tepon je.. wahaha... siap la dia tanya, apa benefit company lg satu tu bg.. huhu.. last2 tpaksa ckp, neway, thanx so much for ths offer... hopefully, wif my rejection, it can open up other candidates opportunity to work thr... kuang3.. hahaha... nyak3... br brape hari je dok umah, tp dh rasa bosan... hati dh mula pk nk keje... waaa a a a a.. nk g cr keje part time laa.. apsal bosan eh? bukan xde keje kat umah ni.. tp.. alahai.. pasal kes accident tu laa.. tensen tol.. pening pale otak aku... dan2 je rasa, dok bangi lg best.. hoho...haih.. apsal laa lmbt sgt aku start keje ? knape x esok ke? next week ke? haih.. rasa mcm ok je kalau kene g kuwait tu minggu dpn... wahahaha.. biar je kete tu, x yah repair2.. x yah claim2 pun kalau susah sgt.. nant aku dh keje, dh bergaji, aku anta repair sendiri.. nk pening2 hal kecik.. tensen tul kalau x keje ni.. x bergaji.. mula laa org dok under estimate kita.. sabarlah duhai hati.. Allah tidak membebani sesorg itu d luar thp kemampuannye...insya allah, pasti ada hikmah d sebalik semua ini.. amien...

huh.. ok la.. kene mulakan smgt br utk hari esok! yeahhh!! go Su Go!! a lil bit down laa mlm nih.. erm.. oklah.. till we meet again... adios~

:: Jika seseorang hadir dalam hidup kamu dan menjadi sebahagian daripada kamu, tetapi atas sebab tertentu dia terpaksa pergi, jangan terlalu sedih, terimalah kenyataan itu kerana sekurang-kurangnya dia pernah membahagiakan kamu.. ::

30 April 2007

langit x selalunye cerah . . .


hye hoo :) erm.. alhamdulillah, dh slamat smpi ke rumah slyg.. wpun smlm bwk brg dgn byknye smpi pnuh satu kete, alhamdulillah, selamat dr bangi smpi ke tmn amaniah... tp.. tu laa.. langit x selalunye cerah.. wpun mmg dh sgt berhati2 bwk kete smlm, sbb sdar diri bwk brg pnuh satu kete, kalau apa2 jd nant susah plak.. haih.. dugaan dr Allah.. dh smpi kat tmn perumahan plak accident... sedeh2.. mmg sedeh... slh aku ke? mmg tak laa... aku yakin, mmg bukan slh aku.. sbb pakcik tu yg tetiba reverse kat simpang apsal... dah laa x bg signal apa2.. tup2 reverse dgn laju.. aku dh hon baikkk punye.. boleh plak dia kata x dgr.. aiyakkk.. sabar2.. sabar suraidah.. dh laa bini dia kawan mak aku.. dh kata dok satu taman.. lps tu bleh plak pakcik tu slhkan aku..kata x nmpk ke dia nk reverse..aikk? haloo pakcik, sape yg ajar boleh reverse kat tgh2 simpang?? sy br je nk belok masuk simpang, yg pakcik elok2 dh dok jln dpn sy lps tu g reverse apsal?? x pnah plak sy tau ada undang2 kata boleh reverse d tgh simpang... huh.. hangin2.. dh laa pakcik tu sibuk dok betul2kan bumper waja dia yg pecah tu.. aku mmg laa xde apa2.. alhamdulillah.. tp kete aku tu mcm kesian laa jugak.. habis laa kat depan side kanan...kemeks pipi kereta ku.. isk..isk..isk.. lampu signal pun pecah.. bumper blah kanan tu kemek jugak.. aderh.. dah tu pakcik tu bleh plak tanya, mcm mana ni? aik.. pakcik yg langgar sy.. sy nk repair mmg xde det pakcik.. sy x start keje lg..mak sy pun blom tentu ada det.. pakcik laa byr... org tua tu leh je wat slambe katak x dgr aku ckp.. pastu trus je dia masuk kete...dgn rasa x b'slh..blah gitu je.. smpi je umah, abg aku apa lg.. hoho.. masing2 hangin laa.. mak aku g cr pakcik tu kat umah dia, tp xde kat umah.. nyoroks kot.. 3 kali mak aku pegi.. last2, abg aku suh je g report balai.. sng crite.. selamat.. g report kat balai IPD Gombak.. sejam lebeh laa gak br setle sume bende.. alhamdulillah.. tgu nk claim insurance je skrg ni.. hopefully leh laa setle sume dlm masa tdkt ni..

hari ni dok umah je seharian.. mengupdate phone book kat umah ni... lps tu unpack2 brg.. nk klua, tp mcm x de mood.. malas nk bwk kete dh camtu.. ingat nk g sogo.. x pegi laa kot.. mcm x sempat je nk g esok.. erm. xpe.. tgu sale akan dtg.. lg pun x tau nk g belik apa.. huhu~

ptg td mkn durian :D huk2.. angah blanje.. yeehaaa... best2.. mkn ber2 je, habes 10 biji.. kat bangi punya laa byk org jual durian.. smpi slyg, ada 2 je org jual durian kat area psr borong slyg td.. ish3.. trus je rasa pelik..awat kat bangi byk, kat sini xde? huhu~ sok cuti.. but till now, dont have any plan yet for tomorrow.. apa nk wat nih? ish3..grrr...geram2...nk kuar, tp x suke arr bwk kete dh kemek2 ni.. kalau sket2 xpe...ni..alaa... huh..xpe laa..dok umah je.. lg bagus... ngadap pc nih..men game ikan...nyak3.. dh dpt crack dia..hoorayyy!!

orait.. till then.. moga d permudahkn segala urusan kita semua...Insya Allah...amien..

:: Salah satu langkah menuju kesempurnaan IMAN..."Janganlah berjaya di atas penderitaan orang dan janganlah menjadi kaya dengan memiskinkan orang lain" ::

28 April 2007

selamat tinggal


yeahh..akhirnye selesai jugak keje ngemas2 nih.. alhamdulillah... erm, Insya Allah esok pg nk move out dr umah sewa ni.. byk kenangan2 terindah bersama akak2 d rumah ni... moga kenangan itu akan tetap hidup dlm hati kita...insya Allah.. aftr ths is time for my loveliest mummy :) yeehaaa...

moga d permudahkan segala urusan kalian dgn izin Allah.. kpd job hunter, smoga d murahkan rezki.. sesama kita berdoa utk kejayaan kita semua~ Insya Allah... utk result final terakhir yg bakal menjelmakan dirinye tidak lama lg, bersama kita nant kan kemunculannya... huhu~ smoga sahabat2 smua cemerlang utk result yg terakhir ini... sesape yg dpt Dean's List, advance Congrats from me! wpun result project still BS, shudnt b a problem ;) for us to get DL.. yeahh!!

orait.. till we meet again.. salam kemaafan buat sahabat2 smua.. halalkan mkn minum.. if I have any debt wif u guys, pls do tell me... utk kemudahan kita bersama d akhirat kelak :) Insya Allah...

:: I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are meant to me and you have made a difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you ::

26 April 2007

waiting for the food~ hikkss...on d phone tuh :)

my coffee ice~ nyam2.. dont know y suddenly feel likes nk minum ths water..

part of the restaurant view

our dishes.. kuang3.. tomyam poptek [special menu at Malee], udang goreng tepung, daging masak merah, lala masak pedas, bihun tomyam ayam? and nasik putih...[menu for two? huhu~]

Posted by Picasa

malee time~

yeehaaa! at last, tercapai gak impian nk mkn kat malee dengkil.. dont know how to comment.. hikksss... coz at 1st our expectation quite high.. then when we reached thr, i was like... ouh... tutup ke ths place? hik3.. [can u guess wat on my mind that time?huhu] then we get into the restaurant, n yeahh.. walking around to find the best place for us to seat.. n yet, we've decided to seat near the entrance coz thr's only place which suit us n ada fan.. huhu~ xleh blaaa ar kalau mkn tomyam tp xde fan kan.. haha.. sure sweaty gilos...

erm, the food? seriously dont know how to describe coz both of us can be considered as starving... hahahaha... mmg dh lapar thp gaban.. then bila food smpi jerk, trus mkn2.. aftr that br prasan, alamak, kita x shoot photo lg laa utk all ths food.. hahaha.. again...then amik2 gamba, lps tu cont mkn2.. aftr a while, then dh rasa mcm x leh nk mkn dh... uuuhhh, kenyang bangat sehhh... berlonjak kegumbiraan syaitan2 d sekeliling sbb mkn terlampau plaks mlm nih... aderh... order mcm x hengattt... lps tu mkn berdua je..huhu~ apa kess?? ngeh3..

time balik drive mmg serius x larat... huhuhu... masya Allah.. mkn smpi thp gitu kenyang nye.. ish3.. mmg kenangan btol laa mkn hari nih... erm, nk quote kat sini bout malee, service mmg pantas gile.. mmg mantap.. tp org yg amik order dia quite sengal laa.. hahaha.. sume x tau.. so nk order peliks2 pun x brani.. price also not bad.. can consider cheap laa jugak.. huhu..

neway, my opinion: Malee at Dengkil is quite ok..not bad.. still can survive laa... but so far the best thai tom yam restaurant ever is Vicchuda at Damansara Utama...recommended 100% by my family... wahahaha.. mmg sedap laaa kat Vicchuda tu.. kasik try dulu then can give comment eh.. huhu~

actually ths mkn2 can say laa utk meraikan tamatnye pengajian EE eng. kami d Uniten...alhamdulillah.. akhirnye, selesai juga sumenye.. insya allah, by ths saturday, i'll move out from ths rmh sewa.. kembali ke pangkuan keluarga.. uhuk2.. orait.. cont later k.. feel likes my heart not feeling well~ haih.. mcm2..

::Harapan yg amat kecil sudah cukup utk melahirkan cinta::

23 April 2007

poster2 . . . .

uhuk2... salam.. salam kebingungan.. hik3...

alhamdulillah.. i think its time for me soon to announce ths blog to all my frenz.. maybe they can update bout me when m not around mesia later.. huhu~ dh nk pegi dh ke? aisehhh... lama lg laa.. ish3.. sempat laa lg nk berfoye2.. huk3..

ths evening setle wif letter of good conduct thing.. alhamdulillah... just need to wait until the cert ready.. nxt week need to proceed wif international driving license.. other than that? i thnk evrythg setle already.. hik3.. insya Allah..

just need to get ready wif all document needed b4 my nxt meeting which is scheduled on May 18... for those who still did not know yet, i've got an offer job from Schlumberger, under segment WesternGeco as Seismic Engineer :) Alhamdulillah.. rezki dr Allah.. so far my flight has been booked by slb, will be around 1st week of july.. i'll announce later once i've got the flight ticket..

orait.. still have time to lepaks wif me, if anyone wish to do so :D i'll be moving out from ths rumah sewa by end of ths month... probably by ths weekend... n going back to selayang... utk menghabeskan sisa2 masa bersama my loveliest mummy~ huhu...

yeayy.. sok nk g submit finalized thesis kat dr izham.. then, proceed for printing.. insya allah... hopefully can setle evrythg tomorrow... moga d permudahkan segalanya... amien... orait.. till then.. catch u later... daaaa....... salam

:: cant wait to go for malee dengkil ths thursday nite wif my dearest sista, kak ernie~ hik3.. love u sis! ::

19 April 2007

k a w a n

nak sebut memang mudah
tapi hakikatnya
nak cari kawan sejati punya la payah...

bila tak ada kita cari
tapi bila dia di depan mata kita tak hargai...

bila kawan berjanji kita nak dia tepati...
terlewat seminit muncung kita panjang sedepa
alasan kawan langsung tak nak dengar
tapi kalau kita yang tak tepati
manisnya bibir menuturkan maaf...

bila kita ada masalah kawan setia di sisi...
bukan setakat nasihat malah wang ringgit pun sanggup bagi
waktu tu kita rasa dia la sahabat sehidup semati...
bila kawan dihimpit masalah
kita biarkan dia menangis sendiri
jangankan mendekati, bertanya khabar jauh sekali...

bila kita perlukan pertolongan
kawan disisi sedia membantu
berat sama dipikul ringan sama dijinjing
tak pernah sekali pun dia merungut
bila kawan meminta sedikit kudrat kita
tak habis-habis cerita kita jual
kononnya kawan menyusahkan kita...

kawan simpan semua rahsia kita
kalau kita buat salah, kawan rela terima hukuman
bila kawan tersilap langkah
laju mulut kita menabur cerita
kononnya kawan punya angkara
tak layak berkawan dengan kita
walaupun hakikatnya kita turut sama melakukan...

waktu kita susah kita cari kawan...
kita mengeluh bila kita tak ada kawan
kita menangis bila kita ditakdirkan bersendirian
kita tak pernah nak hargai nilai sebuah persahabatan
kita tak tahu nak balas budi kawan
biarpun bukan itu yang diharapkan kawan...

kawan selalu memberi
kawan tak minta dibalas
sebagai kawan kita kena la beringat
bukan wang ringgit yang kawan dambakan
bukan kudrat tenaga yang kawan tagihkan
secebis kejujuran
dan secarik kasih sayang yang dipertaruhkan...


18 April 2007

new blogger born...

hikss... here we Go~ yeayy...
the new baby blogger was born :)