30 December 2007

1 week more ? :(

Hmm..skejap plak rase cuti kali ni..apsal eh? huhu..confuse seketika... apa pun, my next flight is confirm already..Jan 8 fly to Cairo, Egypt.. I just received my Visa to Egypt.. whew...dh nk masuk crew baru..mcm2 perasaan ada ni..haha..moga d permudahkan segala urusan ku nant.. insya allah.. i have to prepare myself to face the new guys in egypt which mostly are egyptian.. huk3..

erm..apa lg yg x buat eh utk cuti ni? alahai...kalau dulu rasa x saba nk masuk keje, ths time rasa sgt sabar plak nk kene masuk keje..hahahha..apa kess ni suraidah? ish3.. ntah laa..undescribed..maybe sbb tau dia nk move to his new job and its quite far from our home.. even b4 ni ok je, but ths time.. huih...insya allah, moga Allah terus satukan hati kami dan pjg kan jodoh kami hingga ke akhirnya... amien..

yeah! i have to be strong enuff to face all those thing...Go Su Go!! Think +ve!

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