04 May 2007

alhamdulillah ~


yeehaaa...result dh kuar.. alhamdulillah.. setle sume result subjek2, just left wif project 2 nye result... to all my frenz, CongRats atas kejayaan masing2 utk sem akhir nih... sgala usaha n penat lelah kita slama ni utk mendapatkn sekeping kertas 'bachelor degree' telah berakhir... alhamdulillah... pd yg dpt DL tu, huk3... tahniah, n jgn lupa blanje.. wahahaha

semalam... pg2 dh dpt call dr HR technip geoproduction.. another job offer that ive got since last 2 wks.. ada ke tanya, awk boleh start keje next week ke? hahahah... apakah?? I was like.. wat? err.. give me time to think bout ths.. i'll give u a call by ths noon to decide wether i can accept or not ths offer..huk3.. apa kess?? mmg x nk laa kan... lg pun, slb yg bg offer dulu, as plan earlier, sape yg bg offer dulu, sebat yg tu.. haha.. ptg dlm kul 3 try call the HR person, but the person mtg plak.. ok, nvm, i'll call tomorrow morning.. actually pk tu bkn pk nk trima ke x, but i was thinking on how to reject the offer in d best way n best words.. huk3..

hari ini... erm.. pg2 call the technip HR person, n tell them my decision..haha...guess wat? ada ke dia x puas ati aku reject offer tu.. ish3.. siap suh aku bg reason, knape aku x nk keje ngan diorg.. uu uuu.. parahhhh.. nk reject pun kene bg alasan byk2.. aderh.. time tu rasa nk letak tepon je.. wahaha... siap la dia tanya, apa benefit company lg satu tu bg.. huhu.. last2 tpaksa ckp, neway, thanx so much for ths offer... hopefully, wif my rejection, it can open up other candidates opportunity to work thr... kuang3.. hahaha... nyak3... br brape hari je dok umah, tp dh rasa bosan... hati dh mula pk nk keje... waaa a a a a.. nk g cr keje part time laa.. apsal bosan eh? bukan xde keje kat umah ni.. tp.. alahai.. pasal kes accident tu laa.. tensen tol.. pening pale otak aku... dan2 je rasa, dok bangi lg best.. hoho...haih.. apsal laa lmbt sgt aku start keje ? knape x esok ke? next week ke? haih.. rasa mcm ok je kalau kene g kuwait tu minggu dpn... wahahaha.. biar je kete tu, x yah repair2.. x yah claim2 pun kalau susah sgt.. nant aku dh keje, dh bergaji, aku anta repair sendiri.. nk pening2 hal kecik.. tensen tul kalau x keje ni.. x bergaji.. mula laa org dok under estimate kita.. sabarlah duhai hati.. Allah tidak membebani sesorg itu d luar thp kemampuannye...insya allah, pasti ada hikmah d sebalik semua ini.. amien...

huh.. ok la.. kene mulakan smgt br utk hari esok! yeahhh!! go Su Go!! a lil bit down laa mlm nih.. erm.. oklah.. till we meet again... adios~

:: Jika seseorang hadir dalam hidup kamu dan menjadi sebahagian daripada kamu, tetapi atas sebab tertentu dia terpaksa pergi, jangan terlalu sedih, terimalah kenyataan itu kerana sekurang-kurangnya dia pernah membahagiakan kamu.. ::

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