22 July 2008

Its my +1 age day!!

22 July...happy birthday to me, myself!! moga sentiasa d berkati Allah dlm apa jua kerja yg d lakukan, moga sentiasa dlm perlindunganNya..smoga pjg umur, dmurahkn lg rezki, d beri ketenangan dan kekuatan dlm meghadapi hari2 yg mendtg..insya Allah..amien..dan, moga d pjgkan jodoh ku dgn Idris Abdul Rahman hingga ke akhir hayat..

its my birthday, n im on crew now..haha..chill..ths year 2008, is my independent celebration year! haha..sume kene celebrate sendiri kat crew..birthday, raya pose, raya haji, christmas, new year..abes sume events aku celebrate masa kat crew..haha..apa kes nih..xpe laa..dh keje, nk wat camne kan..bersyukurlah kerana masih bernyawa..alhamdulillah...

hmm..hari ni rasa sgt rindu kat dia..x tau knape..prasaan d hati mcm nk sembang2 dgn dia..tp, br ckp x smpi 5 saat, ter putus..xde talian hayat dh yg blh d gunakan..haha..sabar lah duhai hati..lgpun he need rest..esok dia kene g labuan..flight pg plak tu..xpe2..im strong enuff to stand alone here...yeah!! thats the spirit..wuuuwuuuuu...erm..i miss u so much syg..

ops, im on new crew now..but still in egypt..so far im happy here..enjoy my working life..even life aftr working a bit chaotic..but still...blh layan lg..hehe..yerps, enjoy evry moment of the life!time that has passed will never pass again..chill~!

:: aku dan diri mu - kita saling merindu ::

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy besday my dear frenz.. i know u're strong enuff to work there alone.. cheers! it's ur besday after all!! heee~

p/s: rindu2 tu biasak r alam cinta cintun ni.. hakhakk