15 November 2008

2 days more..

yerp..2 days more left for me to b in kl..haih..kjap je cuti kali ni..trasa sgt sekejapan nya..knape ye? my dear kata sbb we had a great time kali ni..evry day is full of actvt..mayb kot..btw, im sooo happy ths time..sbb dpt spend my holidays ngan my dear hubby to be :) hehe..thanks syg for ur time..

beg x kemas apa pun lg..huhu..mmg sgt malas nk balik ths time..alalalallaaa...mcm byk je lg yg x buat..haha..tp rasanya x laa byk sgt kot..just tinggal few thngs je yg x buat lg..ahaks..esok sunday dh...haizzz...monday night im off to cairo..x suke masa berlalu ngan pantas bila tgh field break mcm ni..tp kalau on crew, its ok! sgt suke if time pass quickly..haha..x adil kan? but thats the truth..nk wat camne..thats what i feel ;)

erm..mlm ni my dear ada drag battle at sepang..x g pun tgk dia sbb nant kene dok sorg2, plus surely akan balik lewat..so, ive decided x mo laa pegi..wpun mmg tringin nk tgk dia race..xpe syg, sy doakan kejayaan awk mlm ni..insya allah..im waiting for ur news syg..

start feeling bored! haha..aftr spending mostly all my night with my dear, n without him tonight..seriously m feel bored! whew...mari mengisi masa lapang mlm ni dgn menonton movie..huhu~ sambil menant my dear settle with his race..moga semuanya selamat d sana..amien...

::money wise is absolutely out of ctrl!::

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