09 March 2008


2wks break almost done! whew..kejap je kan rasanye.. 1st time having my break without my dear..feeling? hmm..mula2 tu x ok jugak laa..sbb aftr 2months x jmpa, ingatkn balik cuti leh jmpa..tp, xleh gak..but aftr all, alhamdulillah..ok laa..x dpt jmpa pun tp dpt ckp, dpt sembang hari2...terubat juga rindu d hati.. insya allah, hoping that on my next break, he'll be in kl or kemaman.. yeah, at least there's smthg to hope on! nak wat camne kan..tuntutan kerja..ths is what we called oil n gas industry.. sama2 mencari rezki utk masa dpn.. ths is the sacrificial! between 'cinta' dan 'cita2'..huk3..kejarlah cita2 tu dulu..kerana, pd cinta, andai ada jodoh, x kemana.. moga Allah trus satukan hati kami dan pjgkan jodoh kami hingga ke akhir hayat.. amien..

tomorrow night, i'll fly back to crew for my 2nd hitch in new crew.. with hope that im able to settle down at least 30% for my LMS phase 1..Insya Allah...

Aim for ths hitch: FOCUS on my LMS completion!! you HAVE to do it!! NO compromise!

moga kisah kali ini lbh baik dr sebelumnya...mudah2an d permudahkan segalanya bagi ku...Amien..

::time on crew, wat laa keje leklok..buang bad 'habit' tu ye suraidah! focus on ur job! its all about ur future su!! always all out! do the best!! may evrythg go smoothly...be strong girl!! [my dear: together we works for our future!]::

year 2008 is time to make a great saving! [Insya Allah]

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