19 March 2008

1 week done and gud news...

yeahh...pejam celik pejam celik, 1 week already done..alhamdulillah..6 weeks left.. tp ticket balik x booking lg ni..hua3..xpe..so far life alhamdulillah..especially working life..evrythg under ctrl..tp, aftr working nye life, horror sket laa..x tau apsal..rasa mcm huru hara je time management ths time..siap blh tlps g dinner..hak3..tu yg mcm x leh blah tu..apa daaa...dinner pun leh escape..haih..pnat sgt agaknye..rasa mcm kepenatan yg accumulate dr last hitch hr tu x abes lg.. whew..xpe laa..nk wat camne..dh nama keje kan..layan je laaa...

hmm..whats the gud news? Alhamdulillah..congrats my dear.. congrats on ur job confirmation..cant wait to see u on my coming break..blh celebrate ths gud news..hehe..with hope that we can meet..insya allah..now already 3 months we didnt meet up..but, i believe, deeply in our heart, we really miss each other.. rinduuu nye...another 2 months to go for us utk lepaskan rindu d hati.. insya allah..moga Allah trus permudahkan segala urusan kita...amien..

::moga aku terus d beri kekuatan utk melalui hari2 yg mendatang...moga aku sentiasa dlm lindunganNya...Insya Allah::

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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