11 January 2008

new location..


adaptation is hard? yeah! now i can feel it.. is quite hard when u move from desert to agriculture area..2 diffrnt country..different rich level..haha..tu laa diaa..dulu dok uae, skrg dok egypt..pening trus..xpe laa.. whatever it is, i still have to cope with all ths new situation.. so far aftr 2 nights, i feel a lil bit comfortable.. alhamdulillah..

my new place, Mustafa Ismail agriculture village, Alexandria, Egypt.. thats the name..sekeliling camp ni kwsn pertanian.. blkg toilet area, ada sheeps..byk sgt kambing biri2..baba black sheeps...huhuhu..skrg musim sejuk..pastu hujan lg..ish3..dasyat laa tpt ni..sepjg masa bila berckp ada asap2 kuar dr mulut..haha..can u imagine how cold ths place? erm..bila mlm 3 deg celcius, tu normal temperature tu...oklah..cont later..ada explosive training pasnih..tata..

:: Ya Allah, berilah kekuatan, ketabahan, dan ketenangan pada hambamu ini dlm menghadapi segala cabaran dan dugaan yg mendatang...amien.. ::

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