28 January 2009

counting the days..

yerp.. its only 2 months left for me to do the preparation..half of my heart confidently saying that i can settle evrythg within time..but the other half of my heart still have doubt..sempat ke eh? hehehe..insya allah..sempat..yakin2..huk3..

my list to do looks like never end..it goes longer everyday...haizzzz...moga aku terus d beri kekuatan dan kesihatan tubuh badan utk melalui hari2 mendtg...moga bertambah murah rezeki aku tahun ni..amien...

sometimes it's stressfull when u have to make tooo much decision at one time...god bless me!

::i miss my dear hubby to be, soooo much! just wish that he can be in kl by mid of march::

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