11 December 2008

its done for now..

yerp..its done for now..all my to do list in AD is done! alhamdulillah..just left with 1 thing je yg harus d settlekan b4 fly back to kl..it's stuff for my dear hubby to be..the rest is done! whew..puas hati..sbb dh selesai..my dear nye brg tu kene cr kat dubai apot..with hope evrythg is there..so that i will not goes crazy to look for his thing..haha..i can feel that time is soon to be critical for me to do the preparation..haizz..next month i have 2 wks break - say 2 wks, but it less than that!...aftr next month break, i'll b on crew for 8wks..and having 1 wk break - say 1 wks but it will b 5 days only,hope to be more!..then i'll b on crew for another 8wks++ b4 my wedding break..gosh...kejap nye...haha..harap2 laa sempat settlekan sume2 yg patut..huuu...trasa plak mcm 'workaholic'...ahaks..

esok g opis for last day of my 2wks office assignment..then, ths sunday will start the course..1 wk course..on 19th i'll fly back to cairo for another 2wks++ before go for break..ths break is consider special because i'll get my 1st ring!! yeayy!! x saba nyeee nk dpt lord of the ring tu..hehe :) i just hope that me n my dear able to have our break together ths time - again! sbb nk settlekan apa2 yg patut d settlekan bsama..nant bln 3 balik tu, dh skjp sgt aku cuti..whew...the next break balik nant on may ngam2 je 1 wk b4 the day..what to say? moga d permudahkan allah segala urusanku walau d mana aku berada..amien...insya allah..moga aku trus d beri kekuatan utk melalui hari2 mendtg..nmpk mcm lama je lgkan..tp d sbbkn cuti aku yg sgt skjap tu..maka jd laa..dkt nye dh..haha..

::start to miss him badly :( ::

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