28 April 2008

:: feeling ? ::

hmm...sok dh nk klua crew for my 2wks field break..sronok sbb dpt cuti, balik kl..dpt rest..even x abes pack brg lg ni..huk3..tp ada satu lg prasaan d sbalik perasaan sronok nih..x tau mcm mana nk describe..suddenly rasa mcm x best sbb balik ni, still x dpt jmpa my dear..last night we had a conversation on the phone, and answering my Q he said that even he didnt know when he will come back to kl..why?bcoz his job still not started. hmm..pening gak bila mcm ni..aku balik cuti dia on job, aku on job dia balik cuti...bila nk jmpa nye? dh complete 4bulan x jmpa..if x jmpa gak ths time, it will become 6 months x jmpa..aderh..mental laa mcm ni..hmm..mmg ingat kat dia..all the time he's on my mind..tp..lama2 dh rasa mcm immuned kot..sbb dh tau we r not to see each other..x tau laa..xde rindu dh d hati ni? ingat tu rindu ke? syg d hati tu insya allah masih ada..aderh..x suke laa rasa mcm ni..apa punye perasaan pun ntah laa ni..buat sesak jiwa je..huih..

............mcm2 lg nk luahkan..tp..x tau mcm mana nk express in term of words....................

::undescribe love life..hate ths feeling!::

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