06 May 2009


:) *smile*

alhamdulillah..I've been promoted to G10 as Senior Field Engineer effective from 1st May..mak n mak id kata ni rezeki kawen..alhamdulillah...syukur sgt..now, waiting for my visa approval to Kuwait..hopefully it will goes smoothly..insya allah..i should fly to kuwait by next friday, 15th may at 3am. but i still dont have my visa yet..risau gak sbnrnya ni..insya allah, sama2 doakan moga segalanya berjalan lancar dan dipermudahkan..at this moment im still at labuan, spending the day n night with my dearest husband..tp actually spend time at night je together, sbb siang dia bz buat keje d yard..tp sronok, sbb dpt tgk dia wat keje..hehe..from morning aftr bfast masuk opis dia, smpi laa ptg kul 6 br balik hotel..lunch pun x kuar..huhu..bila nk g explore jln2 kat labuan ni? xpe lah..he's busy at the moment..lgpun main purpose aku dtg sini bkn nk g jln2 pun..ths is not a vacation dowh..im here just for being together with my beloved hubby..yerp! ;)

orite..pen off..nk pk what shud i do aftr ths...

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