12 August 2008


erm..hr ni dh trasa mcm lambat nye masa ni berlalu..knape ye? bkn laa mengharapkn ramadhan tu cepat tiba...tp mengharapkan supaya cepat laa field break! haha..cepat laa abes rotation ni..whew..feel like ths hitch is miserable! jump there and here..all ad hoc!! balik crew asal, n sume nye mcm waaa...being only 2 person in ur own dept, makes my life crazy..nk kene catch up n do so many thngs..mayb sbb tu dh start feel tired kot..erm..aku mengharapkan agar aku trus d beri kekuatan utk meneruskan hari2 mendatang..feel like i lost my focus! ouh, come on Su! FOCUS!! never give uP! take it easy! be strong girl!! Yeah, u can do it dear! only 3 weeks to go! kjap je tu..hehe ;)

it cross my mind..."is ths task of a seisimic engineer?" hmm...undescribed~!

::moga aku sentiasa d dlm perlindungan Nya..amien..berkatilah hidupku dan rezki ku ini ya Allah..permudahkan lah segala urusan harianku::

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