27 July 2008

2 different stories!

just got email from crew supervisor, saying that my promotion will b effective by 1st August 2008! alhamdulillah..syukur pd Mu ya Allah..hehe..kira ogos ni dpt gaji br! yeehaaa..best2..hehe.x tau nk ckp mcm mana..penantian sebulan berakhir..hik3..waiting for the process n evrythg..yeay! alhamdulillah..berkat doa mak, doa keluarga dan semua...whew..satu kepuasan dlm dunia pekerjaan..bila dpt promotion, bila pay rise..hehe ;)

erm..x tau laa nk kata mcm mana..tp..itulah dia..kejutan yg sgt terkejut...haha..i have to tune my mind setting, have to prepare evrythg...even it just will be earlier few months, but still the word is *early*..huk3..out of the blue, he suddenly request that from me..hmm..just wait n see..whats next..masih ada 5 bln utk tempoh bertenang..b4 we need to strike out for that..insya Allah, moga d permudahkan sgalanya...amien..

:: syukur d atas dua berita ini..alhamdulillah ::

1 comment:

~ jaRie ~ said...

euuuwww... congrats dear! for both suprise.. teruja la nak tau the 2nd secret suprise tu! like i can smell something inside.. huhuhu~~