ikut kan hati, mcm2 nk crite..mcm2 nk tulis..tp..x sempat nk luahkan sume..x sempat nk share sume..bkn alasan, tp itulah hakikatnya...
life become more hectic when i got some enforcement - pressure - from my ex-crew member aka my brother, he asked me to complete my LMS as soon as possible! yeah! even thats my target, but i just keep slowly doing that! but now, no more! i've promised him b4 im going for break, i shud complete at least 70% of the lms!! erk? can i do that? im running of doing the lms now........yeah! im still left with few modules to complete the target! huahuahua...my personal target - short term aim - by end of july i must complete all ths lms..means? b4 i go for break laaa....haha..coz im going for break on july..insya allah, sempat2..moga2 tercapai cita2 utk get promoted to g9 by ths August! amien...Ya Allah, permudahkan lah urusan ku walau dlm apa cara skali pun...sesungguhnya Kau maha mengetahui..aku yakin dgn ketentuan Mu..kerana sesuatu yg berlaku itu pasti ada hikmah Nya!
hmm..esok last day production for ths Centurion 2D job..then will b standby waiting for new job..hopefully m able to go on another crew to complete my vibs module..so that i can finish all my lms soon..insya Allah..
fasa kehidupan berbeza..teringat dulu zaman study..hehe..byk gak pressure..tp satu je benda nk kene buat, iaitu: study! no matter what..tu laa dia..assignment? test? presentation? exam? quiz? hmm..sume ni kalau kita consistent study, xde hal punye! tp working life ni..lain...meeting? paperwork? technical job? management job? hmm...sume nk kene manage..hehe..mcm bz sgt je kan..keh3..ntah laa..as usual laa kan..suraidah, always follow the way of nature..mls nk komen2, mls nk crite2..buat je laa..dh namanye, keje..kan..kan..hehe..gud girl! yeay! hik3..apa daaa ngarots ni..haih..ni laa dia kesan tekanan jiwa...kukukukuk.....
bila keadaan mcm ni, rasa rindu kat sume org...rindu kat mak..rindu kat rumah..rindu kat along, angah..rindu kat my dear.. hmm...hati ini yakin bahawa Allah telah merencanakan sesuatu yg aku x tahu d masa hdpn..aku mmg yakin dgn ketentuanMu ya Allah..sesunggunya Kau lbh mengetahui...Allah x kan membebani seseorg melebihi kemampuan nya..means? aku masih mampu menanggung sume ni..alhamdulillah..aku mohon, moga diri ini terus d beri kekuatan, ketabahan dan ketenangan dlm menghadapi apa jua dugaan Mu ya Allah..moga dpermudahkan sgala urusanku d sini..moga Kau berikan aku kesihatan tubuh bdn supaya aku mampu berdiri sendiri d sini...lindungilah diri ku ini dr sebarang malapetaka yg berbahaya..sesunggunya hanya pd Mu tpt ku memohon pertlgan dan perlindungan..amien...
:: j i w a k o s o n g ? hidup begini, hati mesti kering!::
06 June 2008
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1 comment:
.. b strong my girl. always remember, ade org yg lbh susah dr sue. bkn senang nak jd senang =) i know u can do it. go su go! cayokkk!!
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