07 April 2008

yeay!! 4 wks done..

alhamdulillah..evrythg is go smoothly now.. 4 wks done..which mean i have another 3 wks here..hehe..ths job is almost complete..we just need another 2 wks for finishd production for ths job..just hope that Allah mudahkn segala urusan ku...moga Allah sentiasa buka pintu rezeki nya utk aku..Insya Allah..amien..

flight ticket dh confirm..insya allah, on 30th april, i'll be in kl..yeah!! field break...smthg yg always d tgu2..huhu...hmm..gud news again, insya Allah, my dear also will have field break same with me! huu~ aftr 4 months x jmpa...of course! i miss him sooo much!

::moga Allah mudahkan segala urusan ku d sini..insya Allah..moga aku terus d beri kekuatan utk melalui hari2 mendatang..amien ::

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

We noticed that you highlighted our event, postgradasialive!, last year.
For you and your readers' information, the fair will be held again 28-29 June this year:

postgradasialive! 2008
28-29 June 2008 (Sat-Sun)
Opening hours: 12-6pm
Admission is free with registration.

You can even plug a banner on your blog: www.postgradasia.com/index.asp?p=pglive&ID=promote
Do write to us at info@postgradasia.com should you have any questions.

Hope to see you there!