today is 30th June...
tomorrow is 1st July...
after 1 month, then 1st August come..
August, I'll be home then! Yuhuuu~ Home Sweet Home!
::really miss my dear hubby so much! may Allah give me the strength to face all ths easily..insya Allah::
30 June 2009
25 June 2009
its my 2nd weeks here..
yerp! 1 week done! its my 2nd weeks here in kuwait..yesterday i did my medical check up n fingerprints in town..its really give me a new experience! if before we keep saying that those foreign workers in malaysia need to take fingerprints for all his/her fingers, and now, its my turn of being like them..haha..even ths is my 3rd country im working on, but ths is 1st time for me doing ths kind of visa process.. hopefully i will get my residence visa soon..
on my 1st week, its really like hell..its totally adapting process, again n again in my entire working life, i guess...but now in 2nd week, its much better..i have to keep positive mind..focus on what i do and what im aiming for..the success will come, if there's an effort and believe..
as for now, im gathering info and asking for help from my trusted contacts in ths working for my General Field Engineer (GFE) project soon..thats the next step aftr u having ur senior role in company.. at the beginning, it is like an inner conflict on me..such an out of control..but luckily, my hubby always on my side whenever i need him..from his words n support, im able to stand up again and keep evrythg under my ctrl..feel much better now..but it always same, i will never fail to count the days left for me in crew..huhu..
ok..hopefully Allah will help me ease on passing thru my days here in kuwait..insya allah..
for the other half of my life: there's no word that i can express to show how i miss you take care at home..u r always in my heart n my mind..i love u so much sweetheart..
on my 1st week, its really like hell..its totally adapting process, again n again in my entire working life, i guess...but now in 2nd week, its much better..i have to keep positive mind..focus on what i do and what im aiming for..the success will come, if there's an effort and believe..
as for now, im gathering info and asking for help from my trusted contacts in ths working for my General Field Engineer (GFE) project soon..thats the next step aftr u having ur senior role in company.. at the beginning, it is like an inner conflict on me..such an out of control..but luckily, my hubby always on my side whenever i need him..from his words n support, im able to stand up again and keep evrythg under my ctrl..feel much better now..but it always same, i will never fail to count the days left for me in crew..huhu..
ok..hopefully Allah will help me ease on passing thru my days here in kuwait..insya allah..
for the other half of my life: there's no word that i can express to show how i miss you take care at home..u r always in my heart n my mind..i love u so much sweetheart..
18 June 2009
Kuwait version
im in kuwait now..ths is my 3rd day already...alhamdulillah..pantas ye masa blalu..rasa mcm br smlm smpi..haha..thats a good sign!
i arrived at kuwait on 16th morning. after having 8hours++ inflight journey by kuwait airways..huhu.. i just cant imagine when my cousin told me that kuwait airways is much better than egypt air and qatar airways..uhuk2..for me, all ths airways not having much different..but ths kuwait airways was given me a big surprise interms of meals serving..haha..1st time woooo dlm flight time bg mkn, pramugari dia x tanya pun nk menu apa..start dia tolak troli dia tu, dia main bg je food yg dia ada..dlm hati kecilku, "aik..x kan diorg ni xde choice of menu kot? satu tu je ke jenis food diorg..apa laa yg ada dlm tu agaknya..huhu" seriously, they never asked anyone..and the food...not so good..1st time rasanya aku mkn dlm flight x abes..keh3..slalunye sure licin mknan tu aku kejekan..huhu..thats what we calld as experience ya..heh..
ok.. ths is new crew, new country, new environment and new ppl..ths time, again, language problem..most of the labor worker are indians, bangladesh, pakistani, nepali..they might share same language, which is urdhu..haih..jelesnyaaa beta kat mereka2 yg sebahasa ngan diorg ni..kene blaja ckp urdhu plak ke aku ni? pass ckp arab, dh nk kene blaja ckp lain plak..hmm..its like a bonus if u can understand their lang..since they will use that lang in the morning meeting which at the end u will end up with getting 20% only from what they talking about..nk tlg solve pun x leh..nk bg advice pun x leh..xpe2..slowly i'll get u out ya..ngeh3..
1st day keje smlm ok je..round2 g kat field, tgk labor worker ni wat keje..then g linechecker..then g rec truck n balik camp..alhamdulillah..sbb dpt smayang kat the weather is hot..very hot..kul 10 pg je dh 40deg..kul 12 dah 45deg..its just the beginning of summer now..huhu..cant imagine how the peak of summer in kuwait..july n august is the peak of summer..hopefully i can survive on that time..ouh ya, the 1st night i was here, im getting new experience..the truely and really sandstorm..ptg kul 6lbh, langit gelap, ada guruh2..pastu ada kilat kaler oren..nmpk mcm nk hujan lebat sgt dh ni kalau kat mesia kat sini.guruh2,kilat2, then angin2, lps tu dlm sekejapan, fuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...pasir berterbangan dgn kelajuan yg sgt tinggi...siap gegar2 lg sleeper trailer ni..haha..itulah dia rupanya sandstorm yg sbnr..hehe..
erm..morning meeting start at 430am..thats general meeting..kalau kene pegi keje shift pg,kul 330am dh nk kene g field..skrg ni subuh kul 3pg..isyak plak kul 830mlm..hmm..kul 9 je aku dh ready nk sleep..azan je isyak kene ready nk smayang kul 245am aku nk kene bgn dh..ready2 nk subuh n g keje trus..skrg bgn kul 245 sbb aku x kene keje shift aku rasa ada baiknya keje shift pg, wpun waktunya panjang, tp aku blh balik smayang zohor n asar kat camp..ths time, crew member aku ramai egyptian n indian..n yet, sume x semayang..haha..pening x? aderh..ths is the thing yg merisaukan aku..smlm tanya kat colleague aku, ada prayer mat x kat rec truck tu, n terkejut..korg egyptian yg ramai2 ni selama gr ni x semayang ke..sdgkan slalu je balik lmbt dr field tu..adoi..mintak2 laa aku lps ni blh keje pg hari2..x kesah laa kene bgn pg pun, dan aku mmg jenis bgn pg sbb nk smayang, blh je trus g keje lps tu kan..hmm..moga allah permudahkn urusan solatku d sini..amien..
ahaa...guess what? kat crew kuwait ni ada sos cili!! haha..brand maggi lg ye..huhu~ kagum sgt..selama hampir 2 thn aku keje, dr uae ke egypt, sume crew xde sos cili ni..yg ada hanyalah tobasco, thats their chilli kene control gak..xleh mkn sos slalu.x baik..haha..
job wise..hmm..smlm ada laa muka2 x puas hati bila aku dh grade10 dlm usia semuda what? tau laa kita sume sama grade..dan yg penting aku paling muda..but thats my personal achievement..aku dpt grade 10 pun bkn aku heran nk takeover jawatan ko ke apa..i have my own plan..i never dream to become a head dept or what else..yg penting aku nk abeskn grade11 aku secepatnya then i can have my career orientation review so that i can ask to jump to office work..aku nk settle down dr keje field ni after aku dpt grade11..insya allah..moga allah permudahkn segala urusan ku..moga allah berkati rezeki ku dan berikan aku kejayaan dlm kerjaya ini..amien... ni start masuk keje as normal..jap lg nk g rec truck tu..kene catch up balik system ni after 5months plus aku tinggalkn dia..hehe..insya allah, i can prove to them my performance..ok..i still have some paperworks not complete yet..hopefully can settle evrythg as soon as possible..ouh ya, i have to wait for my resident visa until i can fly out from kuwait..if not, i have to stay here until they get my resident visa..kuang3..hopefully it will b less than 8wks time..blh jd gila wooo kalau dok kat field lbh dr 8wks n hari2 kene keje..hahaha...
ahaa..kuwait desert, nk crite sket..hehe..ada UXO kat sini byk..even jln2 kat field smlm pun aku ada nmpk bangkai2 mcm kapal terbang nye badan..huhu..dulu katanya mereka berperang..dan masih ada mine, UXB, UXO..sume nye laa..sbb tu kitaorg kene jln ikut kwsn yg dh d clearkn mine nye je..moga sumenye slmt..insya allah..
orite..will update later whenever i have a gud spare time..hehe..wish me luck here..pray for my health n safety..pray for my ease of day..insya allah..amien..
for my love: take care syg..rindu nyaaa kat suami sy ni..hehe..muaaahhh...i love u a lot sayang..thanks for ur support at all time on me..i really appreciate that..ok..hugs n kisses from me to u!
i arrived at kuwait on 16th morning. after having 8hours++ inflight journey by kuwait airways..huhu.. i just cant imagine when my cousin told me that kuwait airways is much better than egypt air and qatar airways..uhuk2..for me, all ths airways not having much different..but ths kuwait airways was given me a big surprise interms of meals serving..haha..1st time woooo dlm flight time bg mkn, pramugari dia x tanya pun nk menu apa..start dia tolak troli dia tu, dia main bg je food yg dia ada..dlm hati kecilku, "aik..x kan diorg ni xde choice of menu kot? satu tu je ke jenis food diorg..apa laa yg ada dlm tu agaknya..huhu" seriously, they never asked anyone..and the food...not so good..1st time rasanya aku mkn dlm flight x abes..keh3..slalunye sure licin mknan tu aku kejekan..huhu..thats what we calld as experience ya..heh..
ok.. ths is new crew, new country, new environment and new ppl..ths time, again, language problem..most of the labor worker are indians, bangladesh, pakistani, nepali..they might share same language, which is urdhu..haih..jelesnyaaa beta kat mereka2 yg sebahasa ngan diorg ni..kene blaja ckp urdhu plak ke aku ni? pass ckp arab, dh nk kene blaja ckp lain plak..hmm..its like a bonus if u can understand their lang..since they will use that lang in the morning meeting which at the end u will end up with getting 20% only from what they talking about..nk tlg solve pun x leh..nk bg advice pun x leh..xpe2..slowly i'll get u out ya..ngeh3..
1st day keje smlm ok je..round2 g kat field, tgk labor worker ni wat keje..then g linechecker..then g rec truck n balik camp..alhamdulillah..sbb dpt smayang kat the weather is hot..very hot..kul 10 pg je dh 40deg..kul 12 dah 45deg..its just the beginning of summer now..huhu..cant imagine how the peak of summer in kuwait..july n august is the peak of summer..hopefully i can survive on that time..ouh ya, the 1st night i was here, im getting new experience..the truely and really sandstorm..ptg kul 6lbh, langit gelap, ada guruh2..pastu ada kilat kaler oren..nmpk mcm nk hujan lebat sgt dh ni kalau kat mesia kat sini.guruh2,kilat2, then angin2, lps tu dlm sekejapan, fuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...pasir berterbangan dgn kelajuan yg sgt tinggi...siap gegar2 lg sleeper trailer ni..haha..itulah dia rupanya sandstorm yg sbnr..hehe..
erm..morning meeting start at 430am..thats general meeting..kalau kene pegi keje shift pg,kul 330am dh nk kene g field..skrg ni subuh kul 3pg..isyak plak kul 830mlm..hmm..kul 9 je aku dh ready nk sleep..azan je isyak kene ready nk smayang kul 245am aku nk kene bgn dh..ready2 nk subuh n g keje trus..skrg bgn kul 245 sbb aku x kene keje shift aku rasa ada baiknya keje shift pg, wpun waktunya panjang, tp aku blh balik smayang zohor n asar kat camp..ths time, crew member aku ramai egyptian n indian..n yet, sume x semayang..haha..pening x? aderh..ths is the thing yg merisaukan aku..smlm tanya kat colleague aku, ada prayer mat x kat rec truck tu, n terkejut..korg egyptian yg ramai2 ni selama gr ni x semayang ke..sdgkan slalu je balik lmbt dr field tu..adoi..mintak2 laa aku lps ni blh keje pg hari2..x kesah laa kene bgn pg pun, dan aku mmg jenis bgn pg sbb nk smayang, blh je trus g keje lps tu kan..hmm..moga allah permudahkn urusan solatku d sini..amien..
ahaa...guess what? kat crew kuwait ni ada sos cili!! haha..brand maggi lg ye..huhu~ kagum sgt..selama hampir 2 thn aku keje, dr uae ke egypt, sume crew xde sos cili ni..yg ada hanyalah tobasco, thats their chilli kene control gak..xleh mkn sos slalu.x baik..haha..
job wise..hmm..smlm ada laa muka2 x puas hati bila aku dh grade10 dlm usia semuda what? tau laa kita sume sama grade..dan yg penting aku paling muda..but thats my personal achievement..aku dpt grade 10 pun bkn aku heran nk takeover jawatan ko ke apa..i have my own plan..i never dream to become a head dept or what else..yg penting aku nk abeskn grade11 aku secepatnya then i can have my career orientation review so that i can ask to jump to office work..aku nk settle down dr keje field ni after aku dpt grade11..insya allah..moga allah permudahkn segala urusan ku..moga allah berkati rezeki ku dan berikan aku kejayaan dlm kerjaya ini..amien... ni start masuk keje as normal..jap lg nk g rec truck tu..kene catch up balik system ni after 5months plus aku tinggalkn dia..hehe..insya allah, i can prove to them my performance..ok..i still have some paperworks not complete yet..hopefully can settle evrythg as soon as possible..ouh ya, i have to wait for my resident visa until i can fly out from kuwait..if not, i have to stay here until they get my resident visa..kuang3..hopefully it will b less than 8wks time..blh jd gila wooo kalau dok kat field lbh dr 8wks n hari2 kene keje..hahaha...
ahaa..kuwait desert, nk crite sket..hehe..ada UXO kat sini byk..even jln2 kat field smlm pun aku ada nmpk bangkai2 mcm kapal terbang nye badan..huhu..dulu katanya mereka berperang..dan masih ada mine, UXB, UXO..sume nye laa..sbb tu kitaorg kene jln ikut kwsn yg dh d clearkn mine nye je..moga sumenye slmt..insya allah..
orite..will update later whenever i have a gud spare time..hehe..wish me luck here..pray for my health n safety..pray for my ease of day..insya allah..amien..
for my love: take care syg..rindu nyaaa kat suami sy ni..hehe..muaaahhh...i love u a lot sayang..thanks for ur support at all time on me..i really appreciate that..ok..hugs n kisses from me to u!
15 June 2009
im back to work!
im leaving home tonight for Kuwait.. im back to work..hoping that I will be back to KL on early August! wish me luck there..may Allah bless me on all my way..
insya Allah, moga dpermudahkan segalanya untukku..amien..mentally prepared for summer on desert!
for my dear hubby: im gonna miss u always sweetheart.. i love u so much!
insya Allah, moga dpermudahkan segalanya untukku..amien..mentally prepared for summer on desert!
for my dear hubby: im gonna miss u always sweetheart.. i love u so much!
09 June 2009
I'm leaving home in few days...
its a mix of feeling..half of my life is happy, because im off to work, at last!i'm back to resume my work after a very long holiday..but the other half of my life is leaving home..its not that im crying because im leaving my home, to be exact, im going to leave my husband for another 8wks! may Allah bless our life journey.. Insya Allah...
after processing the visa to Kuwait since last March, at last, I got the visa on 2nd June 2009. and now waitng for the flight ticket to kuwait.. another new country to be explore by another seismic engineer.. ths time might b different.. its a new crew members..even i know most of the crew members there, but still, its a new environment, plus its summer there in kuwait! it getting hot and hot up to end of august and maybe until september..m currently tuning my mind that i will having my full Ramadhan there, in the Kuwait desert on summer time! huhu~ hopefully Allah will grant me the strength n healthy to overcome all ths situation..another worry on my mind is, im back to work ths time as a G10 staff, which means im a senior seismic engineer now. im strongly hope n pray that i can easily recall all my job related things after a very long holiday which all those getting rusted..whew~
:: from a simple girl becoming a wife, married to a guy that love me with his wholehearted, which both of us working on same industry -oil & gas- but on completely different area -offshore & onshore- I'm trying to live the life to the max! I'm proud and honoured to become a wife to Mr. Idris Abdul Rahman.. I love you sayang..I can't wait to see you again! ::
after processing the visa to Kuwait since last March, at last, I got the visa on 2nd June 2009. and now waitng for the flight ticket to kuwait.. another new country to be explore by another seismic engineer.. ths time might b different.. its a new crew members..even i know most of the crew members there, but still, its a new environment, plus its summer there in kuwait! it getting hot and hot up to end of august and maybe until september..m currently tuning my mind that i will having my full Ramadhan there, in the Kuwait desert on summer time! huhu~ hopefully Allah will grant me the strength n healthy to overcome all ths situation..another worry on my mind is, im back to work ths time as a G10 staff, which means im a senior seismic engineer now. im strongly hope n pray that i can easily recall all my job related things after a very long holiday which all those getting rusted..whew~
:: from a simple girl becoming a wife, married to a guy that love me with his wholehearted, which both of us working on same industry -oil & gas- but on completely different area -offshore & onshore- I'm trying to live the life to the max! I'm proud and honoured to become a wife to Mr. Idris Abdul Rahman.. I love you sayang..I can't wait to see you again! ::
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