28 January 2009

counting the days..

yerp.. its only 2 months left for me to do the preparation..half of my heart confidently saying that i can settle evrythg within time..but the other half of my heart still have doubt..sempat ke eh? hehehe..insya allah..sempat..yakin2..huk3..

my list to do looks like never end..it goes longer everyday...haizzzz...moga aku terus d beri kekuatan dan kesihatan tubuh badan utk melalui hari2 mendtg...moga bertambah murah rezeki aku tahun ni..amien...

sometimes it's stressfull when u have to make tooo much decision at one time...god bless me!

::i miss my dear hubby to be, soooo much! just wish that he can be in kl by mid of march::

13 January 2009

just started...

11th january 2009.. it was a surprised day.. the day that has changed all my plan..tp aku yakin, kita hanya merancang...allah yg menentukan...sesungguhnya aku yakin dgn perjlnan yg telah d aturkanNya..kerada Dia lbh mengetahui..

yerps..from the top of ths page..all of u can see that the counting is coming shorter now..its just started..im now soon to be busy with all those preparation..moga aku terus d beri kekuatan dan ketabahan utk melalui hari2 mendtg..moga d permudahkan segala setiap urusan perkahwinanku..moga d permudahkan juga urusan pernikahan kami nant..amien..

::its only 10 wks ++ time left for me::

09 January 2009


at this moment, thats what i feel most...


aku perlukan teman utk berbicara...
aku perlukan lawan utk berkata2...
mana perginya insan2 ini? atau aku yg x nmpk mereka?...

honestly, i need someone now! to kill my loneliness...

::mengapa ? ::

06 January 2009

not feeling well?

erm..x tau apsal..out of the blue, ive been suspected got chikungunya fever..just because of the rashes n high fever..haha..tp xde pun sakit sengal2 bdn..tp utk kepuasan hati sendiri..i went to ampang puteri hospital to double check..n suddenly doc tu kata, suspected dengue fever plak..haih..mcm2 laaa doc2 hari ini..tp dia x warded..yippie! hehe..aftr 2 days if x elok gak..either the fever or rashes, i have to go to hospital to do blood test again..but i have confident that i will get well soon wthin ths 2 days..hehe..amien...doakan ye..insya allah..

::missing my dear soo much!take care thr syg..lv u::

01 January 2009

01 01 2009

Happy New Year to everybody!

Welcome 2009!

may ths new year bring more happiness, success n prosperous to all of us! insya allah ;)

::looking fwd for my big days!moga d permudahkn semuanya..amien::