28 October 2008

its decided...

yerp..aftr few weeks of searching...ive decided to go for ths brand only..
  • nine west - mine
  • kenneth cole - mine
  • tommy hilfiger - my dear
  • hugo boss - my dear

perfect search! haha..lps ni x yah pening2 dh..just straight to ths 4 boutiques and decide to choice plak apa yg nk d belik..done..insya allah..byk lg yg nk d buat..i have to be more pantas! sambil menyelam minum air, bak kata org ye...huhu..moga d permudahkan segala urusanku..insya allah...moga allah murahkan lg rezki aku..amien..

::may Allah bless our beauty dreams..amien::

27 October 2008

at last...

yippiee!! at last..im done with 6wks..hooraayyy!! 1 week to go! yeah..m happy~ x saba nye nk balik kl...syg, pls wait for me until m reach kl..aaaa...sminggu je lg nk balik! suke2!

since 24th oct hr tu m just lepaking inside my room..doing nothing..haha..watching movie..surfing...chatting..eating..uhuk2..ths is the best rest time ever had on crew..haha..u'll not get ths gud time often in seismic life..hehe..enjoy ths moment wisely su!~maybe the main camp move on 29th..n the normal job will back on 30th or 31st..seee....brape lama aku dok melepak je..haih..x produktif langsung..tp sronok! haha..sbb lps job start up..just few days je aku kene keje..jeng3..then ready utk break! hooyeeehhhhh!!

erm..currently waiting for another news from Abu Dhabi..email that i received recently saying that i've been selected to join the UniQ project as team member in Abu Dhabi..dont know what to hope on..just wait n see..insya allah..andai ada rezki, dpt laa..aku yakin, allah lbh mengetahui..tp..kalau dpt, travel saje laa keje nye ye..huhu..instead of field job in egypt, i have to go for office work in abu dhabi..n going for break..aaa..harap2 sumenye x menggangu schedule aku..dh plan baik punye ni smpi laa my wedding..insya allah...moga d permudahkan segalanya..amien...

::looking fwd to b in KL..yeehaaa!~::

24 October 2008

moving out..

yerp..we r going to move out from ras gharib area to 6th october city..the main camp move will be on ths 29th..today some of the trailers all ready been hooked up..ready to move tomorrow morning, which will b 1st day camp move..yet, today n afterwards, until evrythg done, im free~ yeehaa..x keje pun..wahaha..n bagus nya being female on crew is, u always get exemption when camp move..ahaks..yippie! insya allah, as crew manager plan, they will send all female to cairo on 28th n b back to crew on 30th..looking fwd for the day..x tau nk wat apa..ahaha..xpe..just wait n see..since we have 3 female here..gotcha!

esok my brother's solemnization day..erm..sedeh plak x dpt tgk..xpe..dh pesan kat diorg, amik gamba byk2..nant nk tgk bila balik..hehe..x saba nya nak balik kl!! rinduuuuu! as usual rasa mcm byk bende nk wat..tp..hehe..x tau nk list out mcm mana..yg pasti, sy sgt rindukan cinta sakti sy! sy perlu bertemu dgn dia...ouh..syg, i miss u so much!

balik kl..1st thing is - timbang berat badan!- haha..hopefully it will give me gud figure then..huhu..then, br makan2..hoho..nk mkn chillis..nk mkn secret recipe..nk mkn sushi jugak! m looking fwd for a gud place to treat my beloved family n also my dear family..still searching..x tau nk blanje diorg mkn apa..haih..susah jugak nk pilih tpt mkn ni..xpe..still got time..oh yea..hr ni br prasan, 10 days more ill b in kl!! hak3..suke2! just hope that my dear still in kl..really hope for that..insya allah..moga allah permudahkan segala Nya..amien..

lepaking's day..haha..watching movie.playing sudoku.listening to music.sleeping.eating[absolutely bad actvt :( ] apa lg nk wat? lms? errr...tgh kumpul smgt kerajenan ni..hahaha..insya allah..

::moga d permudahkan segala urusanku d sini..insya allah::

21 October 2008

2 wks more to b in KL..

yerp..today, 2 wks more to go! alhamdulillah..5wks done..m really looking fwd to go back home..i miss everythg!everybody!all in KL..

aku perlukan kekuatan, ketabahan dan ketengan hati..ya Allah, berilah petunjuk pada hamba mu ini..sesungguhnya aku yakin ini adalah dugaan dr mu..moga sinar hari esok mampu mengembalikan segalanya spt sedia kala...hati ini masih menyayangi dia, hari ini, esok dan insya Allah selamanya...aku sgt rindukan dia :( Ya Allah, satukanlah hati kami dan pjg kan jodoh kami hingga ke akhir hayat...amien..moga Kau permudahkn segalanya buat kami..

*pengajaran buat diri ini supaya lbh matang menilai setiap yg berlaku d masa hdpn..byk lg jln penyelesaian yg baik selain dr [marah]... berhentilah drpd mengulangi kejadian semalam! cukup hanya sekali*

15 October 2008

Alhamdulillah :)

erm..smlm demam :( huk3..stahun lbh dh keje mcm ni, aku x pnah pun demam time on crew..its never happend! tp smlm...tetiba je demam..jeng3..hehe..but now dh sihat..alhamdulillah :) moga aku terus d beri kesihatan tubuh badan sepanjang aku d sini..insya allah..moga tubuh ini trus mampu melakukan kerja yg d pertanggungjawabkn..

ahaa..yesterday got gud news!! hehe :) m soo happy..its not expected..but i get it! yeay!! email from personnel titled "Merit 2008 increment" ....waaaaa...tgk je tajuk dh berdebar2 dh..huhu..alhamdulillah..moga bertambah murah rezeki aku d masa hdpn..insya allah..syukur pd Mu ya Allah atas rezeki yg kau berikan pd ku..alhamdulillah..hehe..agaknye demam smlm sbb nk dpt gud news ni kot :D erm, so balik kl kali ni, mkn besa laa! yehaaa...mkn2!! best nyee...rindu nk balik kl..uhuk3..for the time being, m looking fwd for my grade movement, hopefully b4 my wedding! or else maybe it can b my wedding present ;) insya allah...moga d permudahkan Allah segala urusan ku d sini..amien..

::cubaan utk melalui hari2 mendatang dgn hati yg tenang..insya allah::

14 October 2008


alhamdulillah..today, 4 wks done! haha..3 wks more to go!! caiyok2..yeahh..x saba nye nk balik kl...hehe..as usual laa kan, statement wajib time on crew..kui3..smpi kan my colleague pun dh perasan, su likes to count the day! huhu..lantak laa..yg pasti mmg aku sentiasa rindu kan kl..

3 wks more aku akan balik, means, my bro will get married within 2 wks time..hehe..xpe laa..aku xde pun dia kawen gak..hehe..nk wat camne kn..dh keje..so, trima je laa..apa pun, i'll b in kl by right evrythg settle :) kira nya balik ni, dh ada 2 akak ipar..hua3..x lama lg, wedding aku nye turn plak..insya allah..moga d permudahkan segalanya oleh Allah..amien..

hmm..new news, im permanently transfer to ths desert crew..x tau nk kata happy ke x..haha..wpun mmg suke back to desert life..hmm, yakin! setiap yg berlaku pasti ada hikmah nye..insya allah..Dia x kan menjd kan sesuatu itu tanpa sebab..moga segalanya d permudahkn Nya..amien..moga aku terus d beri kekuatan, ketabahan dan ketenangan dlm melalui hari2 mendtg..insya allah..

::happy with my current life! alhamdulillah::

11 October 2008

day off = rest day..

today i got day off from my manager..with words "u can have ur day in camp tomorrow..have a chance to see the sunrise in the mroning with peaceful.."haha..apakah selama ni aku x tgk sunrise tu??sabo je laa..neway, thanks to my chief! d kala all my colleauge kene g field..huhu..aku je berehat2 d camp..tp x wat apa pun..xde laa tdo lama sgt pg td..erm..kul 8 dh ready mandi..pastu aku still ber pose..so, xde laa sibuk2 nk g lunch or apa..lepak bilik je laa as usual..hmm..xde productive sungguh hr ni..lms pun x move..haha..apa kes nih? haih..kene start laa pas nih..

erm..about heart wise..last night aftr one day of thinking..at last..berjaya gak memujuk hati sendiri! yeahh..it cant go longer..wpun still tluka..xpe lah..slow2..lama2 nant it will cure by the times..its better to proceed my life as normal..lets take ths as new experience :) hmm..i hav to be more +ve aftr ths especially when deal with heart wise..insya allah..apa pun, thanks syg..i love u..no matter what..may Allah bless our beauty dreams..amien..

as usual..looking fwd to be in KL soon!! haha..another 3wks n 2 days! huk3..cuti dan cuti..haih..even working life is perfect here as m back to desert life, but still...counting the days to b in KL..hujan emas d negeri org, hujan batu d negeri sendiri..tp hujan batu tu gak laa lg best..haha..hundreds plan for ths coming break..tp x finalize lg laa..just thinking to do lots of thing...insya allah..

::looking fwd for tooo much future things!::

10 October 2008


the feeling of missing u has turnaround to be no heart feeling! its hurt me...u make the tears come again.....m clueless!

::i have to be strong! to stop the tears...it cant b like ths..if i let ths thg keep going, i'll get feverish soon..keep in mind su!! no body will care if u get sick here!! b strong girl! ::

08 October 2008

its one week now!!

:(( sy rindu kat awk sgt2 dh ni..rasa smpi nk demam2 dh..uhuk3..seminggu dh x dgr suara awk!seminggu dh x dpt sms dr awk.. its one week now! erm...moga sy terus mampu bertahan utk menanggung rindu d hati ni..i know that i have to be strong! but..i'll try my best! : haih..i dont know how long more that i have to wait to hear ur voice, to get ur words..really miss u syg! only god knows whats next...sesungguhnya kita hanya merancang, Allah yg menentukan segalanya..moga ada sinar mentari yg menant kita selepas ini..insya allah..

*skrg ni, hari2 mesti nk tgk bulan waktu mlm..hari2 tenung bulan..bila pndg bulan, mesti ingat kat awk..sy yakin yg awk jugak rindu kan sy..bila rindu, tenung lah pd bulan yg satu itu..sesungguhnya, kita merenung pd cahaya bulan yg sama...wpun jauh d mata..tp dekat d hati :) *

::ya Allah, berikanlah aku kekuatan utk melalui hari2 mendatang dgn ketenangan dan kemudahan oleh Mu..amien::

04 October 2008

:( miss u.....

its more than 48hours! now :( i dont know why...but its always like ths..aftr 48hrs i'll feel that i missss him soo much!! mcm ada timer je..cukup je 48jam x dpt news dr kekasih hatiku ni, mesti hati ni rasa sgt2 rinduuu kat dia..uhuk3..sedeh :( syg, i miss u soo much!! take care there..sy doakan awk sihat kat sana..wat keje leklok tau..moga d permudahkan segala urusan awk d sana..insya allah..

::hati ini merinduimu sayang...::

02 October 2008

satu hari d hari raya...

uhuk3..selamat hari raya semua! heheh..hari ni sy menyambut hr raya aidilfitri d field.huhu..mari mulakan dgn actvt dr pg..

erm..pg td, set alarm kul 1pg, semata2 nk call mak utk wish selamat hari raya..hehe..sbb kul 1 pg kat egypt sama dgn kul 7pg kat mesia..its the best time to wish hari raya n mintak maaf..huk3..mula2 call mak...ckp2 ngan mak, pastu pass phone kat angah..ckp2 ngan angah..then nk ckp ngan along, tp dia dlm toilet plak..so, xyah laa ckp ngan dia..hehe..abes ckp ngan mak, call mak id plak..surprise utk mak id d pg raya..hehe..tkejut suara dia, "ehh, su!" hihih..dh ckp2 ngan mak id, then call laa cinta sakti sy..hehe..tp ckp seminit je..haih..sabo je laa..he's rushing nk g smayang raya..lupes plak, dia kat labuan..sana kan matahari cpt naik..hehe..xpe laa..dgn sedeh nya, balik bilik samb tdo...zzZZZzzzZZZz...

set alarm kul 530pg..bgn mandi semayang sunat aidilfitri..pastu siap2 pakai baju uniform keje..hahahaha..yg ni mmg rasa geli hati laa...kuar2 je bilik, aik..pakai uniform keje d pg hari..kui3..patut kene amik gambo ni..tp mcm mls plak..hehe..

kul 7pg g diner..melangkahkan kaki dgn harapan ada laa special food d pg2 raya ni..x laa harap ada ketupat rendang lemang tu sume..tp cukup laa sekadar ada special food..tp, bila masuk je diner, erk? lauk yg sama hari2..mcm xde beza je raya ye kat sini..haha..naseb laa ada bwk bekalan serunding dr mesia..hehe..mkn laa serunding dgn hati yg berkata2..hahaha..apa laaa..bygkan ada laa menu special..xpe laa..maybe tgh hari kot..hehe..yg ada special kat diner tu hanya laa cookies raya aka biskut raya..haha..x best langsung..xpe laa kan..dh dpt mkn serunding tu pun cukup bagus dh..abes je mkn2, g call my dear..oohh..rupe2nye dia br balik dr mkn lemang n rendang! cesss...xpe lah..rezki dia..wpun jauh dr family, dpt gak merasa suasana raya..hehe..sembang2 ngan dia kjap b4 nk g keje..

erm..kul 730pg..get ready dh nk g keje..huhu..m ready off to field..alhamdulillah..sronok sgt sbb hr ni keje pg..hehe..xde laa rasa mcm lost je d pg raya..coz i have smthg to do..huhu..kul 1230 dh abes keje..yeay! m back to camp..hehe..

kul 1lbh smpi camp..erm..drop bag kat bilik..melangkah kaki ke diner..dgn harapan ada laa menu special lunch ni..huhu..masuk2 je..jeng3..xde apa2 pun..hahahah..geli hati sungguh..langsung je rasa mcm..hmm..xde laa raya dh..abes dh raya nye..x yah laa nk berangan dh..nothing special today..everyday is same..whew..abes mkn, g call my dear lg..erm..knape kene call byk kali? hehe..sbb rinduuu..hak3..xde lah..he's going to offshore tonight..x tau laa brape lama plak nant br dpt dgr suara dia..nant dh kat offshore dh xde connection..xleh sms, xleh call..nothing..erm..then balik bilik, cont. sms2..saje je nk mengisi masa lapang..or i can say that nk kasik masa yg terluang tu more useful..erm..sronok rasanye sms ngan gegula hati sy hr ni!..hehe..lama gak sms ngan dia..smpi laa kul 5ptg..

dan akhirnya..he asked me to call him..sbb kapal dh gerak..nant dh xde coverage..sob3..sedeh..sembang2 jap..remind each other..then..abes dh..uhuk3..sedeh nye :( m gonna miss u syg! waaa...

kul 630pm g diner..ready for dinner..hmm...naseb mlm ni seafood night..haha..ada gak laa special nye food hr ni..mkn ikan goreng ngan udang goreng je..nmpk mcm biasa je kan food tu, tp kat sini, its special! for us..sbb kitaorg jarang2 dpt mkn tu..hari2 hanya laa ayam or turkey or beef or mutton..alhamdulillah..erm..sdar2 x sdar, abes dh satu hari d hari raya..dh masuk mlm..

erm..esok keje ptg..so, leh laa rest pg sok..hehe..sok pg nak call mak laa..saje nk tanya2..mak balik kg melaka sok..2 hr kata nye..balik ngan angah je..erm..beraya sambil menjemput..busy sungguh mereka..hehe..kesian plak kat mak, sbb aku xde ths time..xpe..moga d permudahkan allah segalanya..insya allah..amien..

sekian crite satu hari d hari raya...dr eastern desert egypt, Ras Gharib, Red Sea, Egypt.

::another 5wks to go!yeay! m happy~! its OCTober now!haha..NOVember im home!!yeehaaaa::